Thursday 5 May 2016

Thursday Movie Picks: Androids/Cyborgs

It's Thursday Movie Picks time, a weekly series hosted by Wandering Through the Shelves where you share three movies to fit the theme of the week each Thursday.

This week's topic is androids. Now as much as I love androids and movies, the two combined doesn't always have a positive outcome. So for today's picks I'm going with 3 cyborgs I like, and unfortunately that is going to mean 2 films I did not like. Without further ado, here my picks:

Prometheus (2012)

A team travels across the universe and find a structure containing a monolithic statue of a humanoid head and stone cylinders of alien blood. It's Alien's prequel, but it isn't anything like the original movie. At first it's quite intriguing, but then it's just a lot of nonsense and cliches. But I loved David, the emotionless and expressionless android wonderfully portrayed by Michael Fassbender. 

Ex Machina (2015)

A programmer is selected to participate in an experiment in artificial intelligence by evaluating the human qualities of a female cyborg. I know it's an unpopular opinion, but this film ain't that good. The script isn't as smart as it may look, a twist I waited forever never came, and the end is completely spoiled. Still the female android is spectacular. She's Alicia Vikander after all. Needless to say she is charming and seductive, she gives a great performance and kinda makes up for the film's flaws. 

Star Wars (1977)

With the help of Han Solo, Chewbacca and his Jedi mentor Obi-Wan Kenobi, Luke Skywalker attempt to rescue Princess Leia from the ruthless Darth Vader and destroy the Death Star. It's quite obvious I love this one, isn't it? Just in case you're not familiar with the movie, it is one of the greatest sci-fi films ever made, it features a captivating story, tension, great special effects, a spectacular score and memorable characters among which there's C-3PO. Isn't he/it the best cyborg ever? And there's Darth Vader, he is not completely a robot, but still, he's quite awesome.


  1. Ah yes - Prometheus. I liked this film at the time, but its become one of those ones I've reflected upon and now think there were several things wrong. Not to mention that abortion scene. I like that Star Wars has been picked a few times, I;m saving it for something else :)

    1. I went with Star Wars because I'm saving The Empire Strikes Back

  2. I don't ever rewatch it but Star Wars is really the one that kicked the whole android genre into full gear. A good film I'm just not much for sci-fi. I was disappointed in Prometheus since I loved both of the first two Aliens but it bored me. Haven't seen Ex Machina yet, it's at the top of my queue and with it turning up everywhere today I sorry I didn't get to it a bit sooner.

    I went a bit further back for my picks:

    Eve of Destruction (1991)-Eve is a military android, an exact replicate of her creator (both played by Renee Soutendijk) who through a malfunction has become a killing machine as well as a nuclear bomb. Now that she is running amok and creating havoc in the big city a rescue team headed by Colonel Gregory Hines is tasked to disarm her before she explodes. She however will destroy anything in her path to prevent that.

    The Stepford Wives (1975)-Something’s not quite right in the charming, old-fashioned town of Stepford. All the women are incredibly docile and yielding and new arrival Joanna (Katharine Ross) wants to know why. The answer is one that is both scary and disturbing. Eerie suspenser that is heads and tales about the crappy 2004 remake.

    Westworld (1973)-Michael Crichton directed sci-fi story of an amusement park tricked out to resemble the Wild West and stocked with androids that the guests can have mock shoot-outs with as pretend gunslingers. Blaine and Martin (James Brolin & Richard Benjamin) arrive for a bit of adventure just as there is a system failure and their supposed to be relaxing vacation becomes a race for survival. Followed by a sequel Futureworld.

    1. I haven't seen any of your picks, but they seems interesting, especially Westworld. Seriously, the wild west & androids have to be awesome!

    2. I've not seen the movie but there's a new Westworld TV series, so I am looking forward to that.

  3. Nice picks even though I didn't see Prometheus.

  4. I have not seen Promethius but I have seen the other 2 and picked Star Wars also. I enjoyed Ex Machina and found it creepy

  5. Though I like Prometheus, I'm okay with you not liking it. On the other hand, not liking Ex heart weeps for you (lol). You make up for it with Star Wars, so I'm okay.

    1. Haha I guess I should give Ex Machina another try

  6. Prometheus was okay. Nothing special but I enjoyed it. I liked the inclusion of Star Wars!

  7. Michael Fassbender was good in Prometheus. I also liked how the movie looked, it's very fitting.
