Thursday 9 June 2016

Thursday Movie Picks: Immortals

Welcome to Thursday Movie Picks, a weekly series hosted by Wandering Through the Shelves where each Thursday you have to pick three films to match the week's topic.

This week's topic is immortals, and after thinking a lot about the films to pick, I decided to go theme within a theme, with 3 Superman flicks.

Superman II (1980)

General Zod and some other Kryptonians descent upon Earth to conquer it, and it's up to Superman to save the world. This is easily the best film about Superman ever made. It does have a strong plot, an interesting moral dilemma that Superman has to face, great action, and a simply terrific Terence Stamp as General Zod. 

Superman III (1983)

This time around, Superman takes on a megalomaniacal businessman who is using a dopey hacker to help him take the world. This movie is silly, completely ridiculous and insults the viewer as well. Why did I pick it? Superman gets drunk in public, he loses his temper, and fights in a Fight Club-esque manner with Clark Kent. How is that possible? The villain makes synthetic kryptonite that eventually splits the Man of Steel in two, one good, one evil, and it's so much fun to watch.

Superman Returns (2006)

After a long period in the space, Superman returns to Earth and once again must save it from Lex Luthor who wants to create a new land and submerge the United States. This one has so many plot holes if it was the States, Lex wouldn't have needed to submerge the land at all. It would have sinked by its own. The only characters developed are those of Superman and Lois Lane. But the score is great, so is the action, and the action. To be honest though, I picked this for Kevin Spacey. 


  1. I've only seen one Superman movie* and that's the Man of Steel one (and Batman vs Superman, but that's not a sole Superman film) but I do want to see a drunk Clark Kent...

    * I have seen Smallville though.

    1. I have seen Smallville too. Probably it was better than the majority of movies made about Superman.

  2. Love the theme within the theme. I mean, who is more immortal than Superman? I will still disagree with the notion Supes II is better than the the first, but you knew that.

    1. I'm considering the fact I may be wrong on that one since it looks like I'm one of the few who did not like Superman I.

  3. I love that you picked all Superman films. I actually like both the first one and 2nd but the 3rd one is just silly:) I didn't mind the other Superman as much as many do and I always like Kevin Spacey.

    1. Same. I don't care about how bad the film is, if Kevin Spacey is in it, I'll give it a try anyway.

  4. Nice theme! I never would've thought of Superman.

  5. Wow. Thats the plot for Superman Returns?!? I'm not a big Superman fan but I have seen the first Superman film which was ok. I know everyone says the sequel is the one to watch but I'm still not convinced by the man of steel.

    1. Yep, that's the plot. Anyway, you should really give Superman II a try, it is a fantastic film!

  6. I reckon I need to see a Superman movie one day. Never been my thing really. I started Superman Returns. Turned it off. I started Man of Steel. Turned it off. I didn't even bother with Batman v Superman. The Christopher Reeve franchise, though, I feel is probably essential. Nice theme within a theme! Good picks!

    1. Thanks! Anyway I'm not the biggest Superman fan myself and I watched the Reeve franchise because, like you said, is essential.

  7. I just found Superman Returns so boring, I tried to watch it I think twice, and I just could not see it till the end.
