Thursday 8 September 2016

Thursday Movie Picks: College Movies

Welcome to Thursday Movie Picks, a weekly series hosted by Wandering Through the Shelves where each Thursday you have to pick three films to match the week's topic.

And this week we are talking about college movies. Yep, studying and all that boring stuff. Now remove the studying and boring stuff, add some fun activities, and you get my three picks for the week. From alcohol, to partying, they are about the fun part of college, basically YOLO.

Everybody Wants Some!! (2016)

In Linklater's latest film, a group of college baseball players navigate their way though the freedoms and responsibilities of unsupervised adulthood. One of my favourite of this year, this film is entertaining, fun and has an outstanding soundtrack. And there's plenty of that dialogue about banal stuff of life that no one like Linklater manages to make interesting. Okay, maybe it's not so much about college, but who cares, right?

22 Jump Street (2014)

After one of their missions goes wrong, officers Schmidt and Jenko are sent back to Jump Street to go undercover and find out who is selling drugs. Only this time it's not high school, but it's college. I'm not sure which one's better, but this sure is a worthy sequel. It is dumb, but it's a lot of fun to watch and Hill and Tatum have such a good chemistry!

Accepted (2006)

Since he hasn't been accepted to any college, to impress his parents Bartleby Gaines creates his own institution but things kind of get out of hands. The weakest of my picks, this one's quite stupid, and predictable, and ridiculous. But at least the story is different than usual, and it's kinda funny. 


  1. It's been years since I've seen Accepted so I don't remember it much. 22 Jump Street wasn't as funny as 21, but like you said, it was still fun.

    1. I guess Accepted is quite forgettable. I realized I've seen the film already only when I decided to watch it for reviewing it.

  2. I watched 22 jump street and it was pretty funny. i haven't heard of the other 2 before but they sounds good.
    Thank you for sharing.
    Sauniya | Find Your Bliss

    1. Everybody Wants Some!! is amazing, the other is okay.

  3. 22 Jump Street is so funny! Great recommendations :)

  4. Aw 22 Jump Street, not as good as 21 but a couple of funny bits. Accepted is so far fetched its insane!

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Love 22 Jump Street. Might be better than the first. I saw Accepted and wasn't too thrilled about it. Everybody Wants Some is near the top of my to-do list. (sorry for the other comment, fat-fingered the publish button before I was ready - damn phone)

    1. No problem. I hope you'll enjoy Everybody Wants Some

  7. I haven't seen any of these films and probably won't. There is something about Jonah Hill I just don't like.

    1. I know what you mean, I don't like Jonah Hill either.

  8. I thought Accepted as good fun. I loved 21 Jump Street but had trouble getting into 22. Everybody Wants Some is the winner. I love that movie, as you know.

  9. Love 21 Jump Street and still haven't got around to seeing 22 Jump Street. The only one I've seen on your list is Accepted and yep...not for me.
