Thursday 22 September 2016

Thursday Movie Picks: Teen Angst

Welcome to Thursday Movie Picks, a weekly series hosted by Wandering Through the Shelves where each Thursday you have to pick three films to match the week's topic.

This is teen angst week. Really? I mean, like isn't my life already too messed up and awful? I'm sorry for the role playing but I really couldn't think of a better way to explain this topic to you. But I'm sure everyone already knows what teen angst is because seriously who hasn't gone through it? And they also make so many films about it, it almost seems like they miss being angry and depressed all the time. Yes, I'm done complaining, I leave you with my three picks.

Rebel Without a Cause (1955)

After decided to try not to get into trouble anymore, teenager Jim Stark somehow gets mixed up with some tough guys who talk him into participating in car racing. Words can't do this film justice. It is simply one of the best films ever made, and there's no other film that can sum-up teen angst like this one. 

The Breakfast Club (1985)

Five high school students, all different stereotypes, meet in detention, where they discover they have a lot more in common than they thought. This John Hughes comedy is probably the most iconic teen film ever made, and one of my favourites as well. It does have some clichés but it's a great portrait of teen life and it sure entertains.

Heathers (1988)

Veronica tries to survive the social jungle of high school by hanging out with the most popular girls. She eventually meets a sociopath and things changes. This film is strange and funny and dark at the same time. It is the anti-John Hughes comedy where popular kids finally get what they deserve.


  1. I've seen all your picks! I really need to watch Heathers again it's been years and I'm starting to forget what happened. I'm also one of ten people on the planet that hated Rebels. lol

  2. Nice post! I'm following you!

  3. I already watch all three of them! What a classic!

  4. Rebel Without a Cause is popular this week! I've been meaning to watch Heathers, hopefully I'll get around to it by this year. Great picks!

  5. i do not know these movies:) follow:) now waiting for U:)

  6. Love Heathers! Picked this was for another theme but it fits so well here.

  7. It seems Rebel is the film this week and I picked it also. You are right about this film. I thought The Breakfest Club would be all over the place as well but this is the first I have seen it and it is a perfect fit for this week. I remember everyone saying how great Judd Nelson was but he kind of irritated me. I still have to see Heathers which I know is a crime:)

  8. I love The Breakfast Club and Heathers. The latter is just so wonderfully weird. Sadly, I haven't seen Rebel yet. Need to fix that.

  9. I considered your 2nd and third pick for my list too but I totally overlook Rebel without a Cause - wished I thought of that because it's so perfect for this theme.
