Thursday 22 December 2016

Thursday Movie Picks: Parties

It's Thursday again, therefore welcome to Thursday Movie Picks, a weekly series hosted by Wandering Through the Shelves where each Thursday we, the people participating, have to pick three films that fit the week's theme. 

This week we have parties, the best way to have fun according to a lot of people. I'm the kind of person that loves spending her Saturday nights watching football, movies, TV shows or reading. That's my idea of fun. However, I love films about parties. Okay, maybe I don't love them, but I have fun watching those movies, and here are my top three

Project X (2012)

For his birthday, Thomas just wants to give a small party with some friends, but his best friend, to raise their social status, calls radio stations and puts ads up on Craigslist, and things spin out of control. The film isn't great. It's basically Superbad meets The Hangover, but the party is awesome. 

Superbad (2007)

Best friends Seth and Evan are somehow invited to a party where they plan to lose their virginity so to leave for college with some experience. I don't know why or how, but this film is absolutely hilarious. I don't like Jonah Hill and I'm certainly not a fan of Michael Cera but they have a great chemistry. They have fun and simply make me happy every time. Yes, I've seen this several times. Don't judge me, okay?

This Is the End (2013)

Jay Baruchel wants to spend more time with his friend Seth Rogen, who invited him at James Franco's party. I don't know if it's because Baruchel goes to the party, but the Biblical Apocalypse begins - literally - and the group tries to survive the end of the world. Okay, the party is just a small part of the film, but it wouldn't be so great if it wasn't for it. And it's the best demential film I've ever seen. 


  1. I also went with Superbad and This Is The End. Loved those movies!

  2. All three are very fun movies. I especially love This is the End. Great picks.

  3. I haven't seen any of these films but I did want to see the last one. I can't stand Jonah Hill so it's interesting you still like this one film.

    1. I was surprised as well. Hill was actually funny in that one.

  4. So glad you picked Project X. It makes me nervous but also makes me wish I was there. Everyone loves a house party but not to host one right? Aw Superbad, some great scenes in there and that party - awesome! But not the green beer...

    1. After watching Project X I've been thinking about that party for days, and even though I hate parties I would have loved being there.
