Thursday 15 December 2016

Thursday Movie Picks: Video/Arcade/Board Game Movies

Hello there and welcome to Thursday Movie Picks, a weekly series hosted by Wandering Through the Shelves where each Thursday we, the people participating, have to pick three films that fit the week's theme. 

This week's theme is games and it was so exhausting. For some reason, my brain suggested me it was movies based on games, and I picked three films. I wrote the entire post. I check for any mistakes and I realise the entire post is a mistake. So I had to start (almost) all over, I was too lazy to think and picked the first three films that came to my mind. Please don't tell me my brain was right.

The Wizard (1989)

A kid an his autistic brother run away from home and hitch cross country to compete in the ultima video game championship. This one is tremendously awful. It's not even a film, it's like a very long commercial for Nintendo. The only good thing about it is the villain played by Will Seltzer. Yep, this film has a villain. 

Jumanji (1995)

After being trapped in a jungle board game for 26 years, Alan is freed by two children but so is a herd of creatures, so Alan must save his town from destruction. Not as exhilarating as I thought it would be considering Robin Williams stars in it, it still is a quite enjoyable fantasy adventure film with some laughs. I'm not sure kids would laugh though.

Ouija (2014)

After the death of a friend, a group of teenagers awaken the dark powers of an ancient spirit board and must confront their fears. This has to be one of the worst horrors ever made. It is dull, stupid, and extremely clichéd. Actually now that I think about it, it's a real horror.


  1. The only one I've seen is Jumanji which I really liked as a kid. I never got around to seeing Wizard, though I remember a few of my friends loving it.

    1. Don't worry, The Wizard isn't much of a deal.

  2. I'd completely forgotten about The Wizard! It's been so long I only have a very fuzzy memory of it, I think I watched because of Fred Savage but I'm not surprised it seems like a commercial. I've also seen Jumanji which was no great shakes but an okay film for what it was.

    1. I don't even know how I ended up watching The Wizard. Not sure what I was thinking.

  3. Ouija definitely wasn't my most favorite movie out there, but it definitely gave me the chills every now and then. Amazing movie picks! :)

  4. I've seen Jumanji but that's it. I enjoyed that movie and wish it was a board game. I think I will pass on the others

    1. Until not so long ago I thought it was a board game. I really was disappointed (and sad) when I found out it wasn't.

  5. Somehow I've never heard of The Wizard. I guess there's a good reason for that. I thought Ouija was OK. Same goes for Jumanji, actually. I recall watching it and just thinking it should be better. Thankfully, it is better than the "remake," Zathura.

    1. I didn't know Zathura even existed. I'm sure it's filled with Kristen Stewart's flat acting.

  6. Love Jumanji! Not seen the others and I've never heard of Wizard

  7. A little curious what your previous 3 picks were.
