Saturday 14 January 2017

99 Homes (2014)




Ramin Bahrani




Andrew Garfield, Michael Shannon, Laura Dern, Tim Guinee, Noah Lomax Clancy Brown, Cynthia Santiago, Manu Narayan, Cullen Moss, Nadiyah Skyy


To get back his foreclosed home, unemployed single father Dennis Nash (Andrew Garfield) starts working for the real estate broker (Michael Shannon) who is the source of his problems.


I really wanted to see this for the two main actors, Michael Shannon and Andrew Garfield, but then I skipped it because of its theme. That's why I was very surprised by how enjoyable "99 Homes" was. Don't get me wrong though, this is not a comedy, but a quite intense drama.

Although there are parts of the story that don't make a lot of sense - like a real estate broker putting so much trust in a broke single father -, the film still is an accurate picture of the American society, a society where banks, and greedy brokers do all they can, careless of the legality of their actions, to make as much money as possible at the expenses of the weakest.

"99 Homes" isn't only about that. It's also about another kind of corruption, the kind that brings a desperate man to do whatever he can to get back on track.

The problem with the film is the filmmakers' decision to show all sides. Why is that a problem? Because they immediately pin the realtor as a ruthless villain. Another problem is that all the homeowners are viewed as victims, and it wasn't just the case.

As for the acting, the only thing I really cared about, I can't complain. Michael Shannon gives a terrific performance and owns every scene he is in. and Andrew Garfield also does a good job. Laura Dern on the other hand is completely wasted because her character isn't used as much as the film should have.


  1. Shannon was so good in this movie. This makes for a good double feature with The Big Short. It's interesting to see the housing crisis from two different sides.

    1. I didn't like The Big Short, but it'd make for a great double feature.

  2. I haven't even heard of this film. It would be interesting to see since I have had clients I my office who had to sell their home or were losing it. The sad part is that most people believe the banks and buy a home they truly can't afford.

    1. The sad part is that a part of those who lost their home knew they couldn't afford it, but still took the bank's money.
