Tuesday 28 February 2017

Mt. Rushmore of Movies Blogathon '17

I was reading Two Dollar Cinema, arguably the funniest blog out there, when I saw m. brown was hosting a blogathon, the Mount Rushmore of Movies. It's in honour of President's Day, or as anyone outside the United States (or more than 225 countries that now hate you), including myself, calls it, the third Monday in February, like he pointed out. Frankly, I didn't even know there was a President's Day. 

Anyway, the rules are pretty simple, you have to choose the top four of anything cinematic and explain why they should be carved into the mountain. If you are interested in participating, don't forget to check out his post. Either way, check out his blog anyway because it's awesome.

Not a rule, but a suggestion is to pick something that interests you. And something that interests me, other than movies, is food. I don't simply cook and eat, I enjoy it. This is totally random but I have a food blog whose name is a tribute to Tarantino. Anyway, I love when a movie has a memorable scene involving food. Especially if it's a funny one. That's why there won't be any Tarantino scenes. And the Royal with Cheese scene doesn't actually feature food, they only talk about it. And to be honest, Tarantino deserves a monument on its own.

But let's get down to business, the holy grail of food scenes. Oops, I meant Mount Rushmore of Food Scenes. I was handed the wrong envelope. Here they are (and let's take a moment to appreciate the majestic work of art I made with Photoshop).

Elf (2003) - Spaghetti for Breakfast

I'm not a big fan of this film, but Will Ferrell eating spaghetti with candies, chocolate and maple syrup is the funniest eating spaghetti will ever get. And how about when he toss them using his hands? And that orgasm face he makes while eating with his hands? Priceless!

Annie Hall (1977) - Boiling the Lobster

Maybe we should call the police. Dial 911. It's the lobster squad. That's pretty much how the scene opens and it gets better and better. Like when Diane Keaton points one of the lobsters to Allen and starts laughing like there's no tomorrow and Allen tries to escape like a frightened mouse. Or when Allen suggests putting the damn thing in the boiling water.

Gold Rush (1925) - Thanksgiving Dinner

I know, in this masterpiece Charlie Chaplin doesn't eat food but a shoe. Well, at least that's what he tries to do. But it's so damn fun to watch. It ain't the shoe but the way Chaplin acts that is so much fun. I've seen this scene so many times but I'm still not sure which one is my favourite part, whether when he cleans the dish or tries to evenly divide the meal.

The Big Lebowski (1998) - Opening Scene

Alright, maybe this one isn't hilarious, but I had to pick it. The Dude drinking milk from the cartoon, in his bathrobe, in the supermarket and later paying for it with a check for 69 cents. And how about the way he looks around before drinking?

So, if it were you to choose, which food scenes would you pick? And speaking of picking, what would be your topic for the blogathon? 


  1. Arghhhhh this is a great choice! I felt a little sick thinking about that spaghetti though, haha!
    I am in awe of your Photoshop skills :D

  2. Oh shit....this is a brilliant list. You had me at hello- er, Elf, as my young son thinks that's one of the funniest scenes of all time. He will die when I show him this!

    I've never seen the Chaplin scene (and I'm in a classroom right now, so I'll have to wait a couple of hours), but the other two picks are perfect. The lobster bit seems so incredibly genuine, you can't help but laugh....and ANYTHING with The Dude is a victory for humanity. I love that movie soooooo much.

    Ugh. I love this. For me, the first scenes that come to mind for me would all probably be from Ratatouille (sp?).


    1. Thanks! I also love the Ratatouille scenes. And I love the film as well (why some people hate it so much will always be a mystery to me).

  3. I love this list! What an awesome idea.

  4. Great list and very funny with how you put the heads of these men on Mt. Rushmore. Love the scene in The Gold Rush...so funny!

    1. Thanks! I needed to recover from the no-sleep Oscars night and that's basically all I did on that Monday.

  5. Excellent topic. That scene from Elf is great. All of your picks are good, but my personal Mt. Rushmore would have to include the iconic and ridiculous sex scene from 9 1/2 Weeks.

    1. Well, I still haven't seen that one. But I'll check it out soon, I promise.

  6. Such a cool idea and I love Big Lebowski so it's always great when it's featured in blogathons, great to see so many people participating for m.brown!

    1. I love the Big Lebowski so much I'd be able to make it fit everywhere!

  7. I love this idea, probably because, like you, food is one of my other biggest passions aside from cinema. I love your picks and it got me thinking about one of my favourite food moments in a film: I don't know if you've ever seen Ponyo, the Studio Ghibli film? I know it's animated but the scene where they make the noodles and the Mother puts the boiled eggs and meat in just has me drooling every single time!

    1. I have seen only a few films from STudio Ghibli and Ponyo wasn't one of them, but as an Asian food lover I'm picturing the scene and I'm starving already!

  8. Awesome post, and I love that scene in The Big Lebowski. And your graphic is amazing.

  9. Great pick of faces! I love The Dude. He's just...the Dude. He has to be on there. Pretty sure Jeff Bridges would oblige too. :D
