Thursday 3 August 2017

Thursday Movie Picks: Crime Families

Hello there, it's Thursday Movie Picks's time, the weekly series hosted by Wandering Through the Shelves where you share three movies to fit the theme of the week each Thursday.

This week we have films with crime families, such as the Corleone, one of the best families ever and one of my favourite as well. That's why I wanted to pick the trilogy but I eventually picked other movies because, let's be honest, Part III can't sit with Part I and II. So here are my picks with great crime families. 

The Godfather (1972)

Just when the ageing Don Vito Corleone decides to transfer his power to one of his subalterns, a series of unfortunate events happens to the family and a war between all the well-known families begins. This is the crime family movie and it's pretty much flawless. Fantastic direction, beautiful writing, and superb acting. Can't ask for more.

Animal Kingdom (2010)

After his mother dies, teenager J Cody is forced to contact his grandmother who rules her criminal family with an incestuous love over her three sons. Michôd's debut is beyond impressive. The film is tense, bitter and dramatic and what I love the most about it is that violence isn't aestheticized.

Fast Five (2011)

While in the sight of a federal agent and a powerful Brazilian drug lord, Dominic Toretto and Brian O'Conner plan a massive heist to buy their freedom. This one is far from the other two, but it does what it's supposed to do, it entertains. And it's undeniable that the Toretto family is one of the strongest and more badass around so I kind of had to pick it. 


  1. I expected The Godfather to be all over the place today and so far I haven't been wrong. The first two are very fine films thought I don't revisit them often at all. The third is not a disaster but it is definitely the weakest by far.

    I didn't love Animal Kingdom though the acting was very fine but it didn't engage me as I had hoped.

    I struggled though The Fast and Furious for my nephew years ago when it came out in the theatre but that was enough for me. I've caught bits and pieces of the others on TV and honestly can't tell one from another.

    I went back a shade further than Godfather but I really expected to run across my first pick somewhere else by now.

    Bonnie & Clyde (1967)-Seminal, trend-setting drama of the criminal pair who terrorized the heartland during the depression with Clyde’s brother and his wife. Stylish and ultra-violent this made Warren Beatty a major player in Hollywood, a star of Faye Dunaway, moved Gene Hackman considerably up the ladder as Buck Barrow and won Estelle Parsons a Best Supporting Actress Oscar as Buck’s screeching wife Blanche.

    White Heat (1949)-James Cagney stars as Cody Jarrett a psychotic gangster with a mother fixation in one of the best crime noirs of the 40’s. An utterly ruthless man who thinks nothing of gunning down an unarmed man he is prone to violent headaches, an incipient signal of total madness, that can only be soothed by sitting on Ma Jarrett’s (a chilling Margaret Wycherly) knee as she strokes his head. Sent to prison after being caught during their last job Cody is a targeted man both by the undercover agent (Edmund O’Brien) who has been planted to befriend him and one of his henchmen (Steven Cochran) and Cody’s grasping wife Verna (Virginia Mayo) who want to take over the gang. Breaking out he sets out to reassert his dominance during the robbery of a chemical plant payroll but things spiral out of control leading to a fiery climax. Classic Cagney.

    Ma Barker’s Killer Brood (1960)-Exploitation version of the Barker clan headed by the ruthlessly murderous Ma (Lurene Tuttle). Revisionist in the extreme showing the gang working with John Dillinger, Pretty Boy Floyd and Baby Face Nelson though there’s no proof that they knew any of them in reality. Still it’s a trim little crime caper with Lurene Tuttle, who usually played sweet best friends and sensible mothers, having a grand old time tearing into the merciless and deranged mastermind. She rules her boys with an iron fist mocking any sign of weakness and not sparing the corporeal punishment to all if she thinks it necessary.

    1. Your picks sound great! Can't believe I still haven't seen Bonnie & Clyde.

  2. The Godfather is great. 'Nuff said about that. This is the second mention I've come across of Animal Kingdom. Feel like I need to see it, now. Nice call with Fast Five.

  3. Beh, il Padrino è una scelta obbligata con questo tema ;)
    Gli altri, invece, mi mancano!

    1. Devi assolutamente vedere Animal Kingdom!

  4. I expect The Godfather to be big this week and quite understandable but for some reason, I never really got into it. I know...what is wrong with me:) I haven't seen the other 2 and probably won't. I might see Fast and Furious 25 when I am 70. Funny thing, I was watching TMZ once (don't shoot me) and it showed Vin Diesel leaving a place and getting into his car. He couldn't back out of the small parking area, tried several times. Finally someone else asked if he needed help and he let them do it...hahahaaaa

  5. The Fast and Furious movies never crossed my mind and now they feel really obvious lol. I also chose Animal Kingdom, great review.

  6. Haha...I was sort of waiting for one of the Fast movies to appear on someone's list...there's a lot of talk of "family" in them right.

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