Friday 15 December 2017

Star Wars Episode VIII: The Last Jedi (2017)

I remember when The Force Awakens came out two years ago. I was so excited about it that my heart was beating faster than usual as the movie started. The Last Jedi, well, it wasn't the same. First of all, I don't know why but I wasn't that excited about it. Now that I've seen it, I feel differently.

Picking up where The Force Awakens left, Rey (Daisy Ridley) is on the remote island hideaways of Luke (Mark Hamill) and hopes to persuade him to come back and join her and the Resistance. Meanwhile, the Resistance, led by General Leia (Carrie Fisher), attempts to survive and escape from the First Order led by General Hux (Domhnall Gleeson) and the Supreme Leader (Andy Serkis).

The story has a very nice flow, it's filled with interesting turns and unexpected twists (and thank goodness didn't take a turn I, as I was watching it, feared it would take), and although one of the plots is a little hard to follow and basically doesn't make any sense (I'm talking about the Finn and Rose parallel plot), it's engaging and entertaining. It does, however, at times, feel like it's not clear, neither to us nor the filmmakers, in which direction this new trilogy is going (it resembles a lot the original trilogy though).

That didn't bother me that much anyway since the main focus of the film once again is its characters. The existing characters are given a proper development -- Luke has more than just a cameo this time around, depth is added to him and Mark Hamil's probably gives his best performances -- and the new ones make for a nice addition, especially Rose (Kelly Marie Tran), a young woman who joins Finn (John Boyega) on his mission.

The most interesting character? Easily the villain, Kylo Ren. In this film, he is a wounded man, both physically and especially psychologically. He is torn apart because of what he has done which is why it's so easy to feel empathy for him. And Adam Driver's performance is nothing short of spectacular.

Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures
Even more interesting is the relationship he has with Rey (by the way, Daisy Ridley gives a nice performance. She seems really committed to the role). That's the biggest strength of The Last Jedi in my opinion. Neither of them is portrayed as a one-sided character. While one still prevails on the other, there's light and darkness in both of them and that's essentially what allows the film to explore more than ever the conflict between the Dark and the Light side.

Although it's darker than its predecessor, The Last Jedi still has a good amount of humour. It feels forced, at times, but there are enough gags and jokes to make you laugh and smile, and along with some great action sequences, it makes for a fun watch. The score by John Williams really shines and so do the special effects. From the mindblowing scenery to the aliens, to the adorable porgs (yes, I find them adorable), the film looks quite beautiful.


  1. Great review! I see this on Sunday and I'm still looking forward to it despite some of the negativity I've been reading elsewhere. lol

  2. This does sound really good. I am really bad because I have not seen Rogue One yet

    1. Haha don't worry. Make sure to watch it though, it's quite good.

  3. Vado domenica sera. Il tuo giudizio supporta le mie grandi aspettative :D Incrociamo le dita!

  4. Qui ci troviamo in totale disaccordo, succede... ;)
    Sarà perchè io sono un fan di vecchia data di Star Wars (il primo film, quello del 1977, è stato il primo film che ho visto in vita mia: avevo 5 anni) ma ho trovato questo episodio e il precedente degli stanchi reboot della prima trilogia, dove tanto chiasso e tante esplosioni non aumentano di un grammo lo scarso appeal di questi nuovi film. Mi pare solo, ormai, una mera operazione di merchandising e nient'altro... ma forse sono solo io che sono un vecchio brontolone! ;)

    1. Mi dispiace. Comunque siete in tanti a pensarla così

  5. Nice review! I wasn't a big fan of Last Jedi but definitely aim on seeing it again and see if my feelings change. My biggest problem was just the Finn/Rose plot. It didn't add up and felt like a waste for his character...but I loved the Rey/Luke/Kylo dynamics. They really made the movie. :D

    1. Thanks! Yeah, that plot just didn't work and it's a shame. It didn't do any good to Finn, and Rose, well, I liked here and she deserved better.

  6. We seem to agree quite a bit reading your review. I also thought some of the humour felt forced (especially at the beginning with Poe). Still enjoyed this a lot though.

    Looking forward btw to your entry in the Christmas movies relay race. Hadn't heard of your blog before, but it's looking good :)

    1. Finally someone who enjoyed it! Everyone seems to hate this.


  7. It was an AMAZING movie!!! I loved every bit of it - porgs included (or especially!) :) They added the cuteness warmhearted element to the episode. Most "fans" are displeased exactly because this movie broke some prejudices in their mind, some ideas they had as to how the movie SHOULD be. It is exactly what the director wanted to do. The same fans commented to The Force Awakens that it was too similar to Episode IV and didn't explore new ground, new directions - well, now that this one DOES... they're angry again :)
    I'm very happy to read your review - and, yes, it was a WONDERFUL movie. Visually... emotionally... and even spiritually (the final scene with Luke is inspired from the highest mystical teachings/practices that the most advanced yogis in Tibet were able to do).

    1. You're so very right. Two years ago they were complaining about The Force Awakens being too similar to the original (to be honest, I liked all the homages). Now they complain because The Last Jedi is too different. Just make up your mind, people!

      I'm glad you enjoyed it, porgs included (I mean, they are so cute!). And yes, that final scene with Luke was fantastic.

  8. By the way - i saw it 3 times in 3 days... That`s how much i enjoyed it

  9. Io ho capito una cosa...
    O ti piace tantissimo, o ti fa schifo totalmente schifo.
    Non esiste una via di mezzo. Io ci devo ancora pensare XD

  10. The only thing I was missing was Jar Jar Binks. And that's it.
