Thursday 24 January 2019

The Old Man & the Gun (2018)

I haven't seen enough of his films to consider Robert Redford as one of my favourite actors, but I really like him. So of course I had to see The Old Man & the Gun, a heist movie starring Redford in his alleged last performance before retirement. 

The film tells the true but fictionalized story of Forrest Tucker (Robert Redford) and follows him after his audacious escape from San Quentin at the age of 70 as he continues robbing banks with the help of two other old men, Teddy Green (Danny Glover), and Waller (Tom Waits), falls in love with Jewel (Sissy Spacek), and is pursued by rookie detective John Hunt (Casey Affleck).

The biggest issue I had with The Old Man & the Gun was the plot. It is simply too thin —nearly non-existent, to be honest— to support the running time, hence the film is filled with unnecessary things such as John Hunt's life subplot —it is only distracting. Frankly, I don't understand the need to give Hunt a family since he wasn't married nor had kids, while in the film he is in an interracial marriage. The "issue" isn't even addressed so I don't really get the point— and scenes that add nothing and ends up being tedious and unengaging. It does, however, work as some sort of meditation on life and what it means to find joy in the small things, and I think it's the kind of story that makes for a fitting farewell.

The characters are a little disappointing too. Without much of a plot, the film needed solid characters but unfortunately, they are nearly as shallow as the plot. Most have a nice characterization and development, but the relationships between them aren't developed very well and because of it, they don't feel genuine. The romance between Tucker and Jewel being the only exception because Redford and Spacek have amazing chemistry.

Fox Searchlight Pictures
The acting arguably is the best bit of The Old Man & the Gun. Robert Redford gives yet another charming performance as he brings to the screen another likeable character. Sissy Spacek steals the show as Jewel, giving a very charismatic and moving performance. Danny Glover and Tom Waits do a nice job as Tucker's partners. Elisabeth Moss, who makes a short appearance as Tucker's daughter, also does a good job. The only false note is Casey Affleck who is basically playing himself and mumbling his way through the movie —if it wasn't for the subtitles, I would have missed most of the stuff that came out of his mouth.

Overall, The Old Man & the Gun was quite disappointing. While the ending is wonderful and the acting more than solid, the story is just too slow and dull. Definitely not the farewell an actor such as Robert Redford deserves.


  1. Ci sono film che non hanno bisogno della trama per "entrarti dentro"... questo (per me) ne è un esempio. E' un film-tributo a un grande attore che ci saluta a modo suo, e lo fa in maniera commovente e sincera. Lo confesso: nel finale, sulle immagini di repertorio dei vecchi film di Redford, mi è scesa perfino una lacrima. Però capisco che l'empatia è una caratteristica strettamente personale. Ma io questo piccolo film l'ho adorato :)

    1. Le immagini dei vecchi film di Redford mi sono piaciute molto però il film in se non mi ha coinvolto come speravo.

  2. Ah I'm sorry you didn't enjoy this more, but at least I know I'm not alone in the camp of people who found this rather dull!

  3. Interesting review and sad to hear but I still want to see this since I love Redford.

    1. Oh, he's good in here. You won't regret watching this.
