Thursday 16 May 2019

I have to return some videotapes...

... which is my way of saying that, after 1661 days, I no longer will be posting a new review every single day. 

No, I'm not giving up blogging. The fact is that I've finally found a job and, while I have plenty of time to write while working, watching a film a day, along with exercising and meal prepping, takes away most of my free time and barely leaves me time to breathe. 

In addition, I'm human and there are days when I don't feel like watching anything. While I could do that in the past as I had plenty of time to watch two, even three films the day after, I can no longer do that now, and I'm getting to the point where I watch a movie not because I want to but because I have to. It isn't fun anymore; on the contrary, it feels like an obligation, and I don't want to keep up with the "good work" because of that. 

What and when am I going to post? Well, I'm still not sure about that but this is what I was thinking, a monthly recap where I talk about the movies I saw during that month, reviews of new releases and old(er) films worth watching, maybe Book vs. Movie posts, Thursday Movie Picks, of course, and lists. Please let me know what you think about this. 

And now the question. Will I be changing the blog's name? The answer is no. Everyone knows the blog as A Film A Day and it will be A Film A Day until the end — also, my goal was to post daily for a year and I've achieved that almost four years ago. 

At last but not least, I want to thank each and every one of you for following me on this journey, especially for leaving comments. I wouldn't have gone so far if it wasn't for you motivating me :)


  1. Che bella notizia, Sonia!! Sono felicissimo che hai trovato lavoro, so quanto ci tenevi :) questa è la cosa più importante.
    Non preoccuparti per il blog: il bello dei blog è proprio la loro assoluta libertà, il fatto che si possono lasciare e riprendere quando si vuole, pubblicare qualcosa per il piacere di farlo e non, come giustamente dici, perchè si è "costretti".
    Vai tranquilla: quando vorrai sarò sempre qui a leggerti :)

    1. Sono felicissima anch'io :D e cercherò di scrivere il più possibile

  2. As long as you keep posting whether it's every few days. Just be glad that you at least are posting something. I no longer post every day lately but I'm still here.

  3. I'm glad you're still sticking around! Posting a film a day is a huge undertaking, I don't know how you did it. lol

  4. That's alright, as long as you are still posting! It's best to just change up your schedule to make it more comfortable for yourself. That's why I only post when I feel like it.

    1. It’s been a week since I stopped posting daily and it feels so good to just relax for a while and post just when I feel like it.

  5. Life definitely steps in at times. Just make sure you do stick around! :)

  6. Woah it's still amazing how long you kept it up! Maybe now there is a chance I will manage to comment on every new post :)

    1. Don’t worry, I don’t have the time to comment on every post of the bloggers I follow and they don’t post daily 😅
