Thursday 5 March 2020

Thursday Movie Picks: Deadly Sins Edition: Gluttony

A weekly series hosted by Wandering Through the Shelves

As you can tell by the title, March's deadly sin is gluttony, probably the one I'm the most guilty of, and yet I can't come up with movies about it. For this reason I'm going with scenes where a character is really enjoying his/her food.

Eat Pray Love (2010)

Elf (2003)

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (2001)


  1. Nice way to go especially since you were stuck!

    I didn't love Eat, Love, Pray though it was beautiful to look at. Otherwise I just found it inert.

    I keep meaning to see Elf, Will Ferrell and my distaste for him keeps me away, but I loved the stage show.

    I don't remember that specific scene in Sorcerer's Stone but it was my least favorite of any of the series.

    I'm with you on struggling a bit with this week’s theme but then I happened upon my first pick, which until now I hadn’t known existed. It’s a British comedy comprised of a series of vignettes for each of the sins and it’s provided me with at least one title for each transgression for the rest of the year!

    The Magnificent Seven Deadly Sins (1971)-Gluttony: The manufacturer of dietary biscuits Slimmo exhorts that you can exist on 8 of them a day while being a closet glutton with rich food hidden throughout his office. When he inevitably starts to gain weight the company doctor limits him to two biscuits a day but everywhere he looks he sees food! We follow his comic adventures as he tries to sneak whatever tidbits he can. But he pays for it in the end. Co-written by Monty Python’s Graham Chapman.

    The Big Feast (aka La Grande Bouffe) (1973)-Four middle aged disenchanted French men of the bourgeoisie (including Marcello Mastroianni and Philippe Noiret) gather at the villa of one of their number with the express goal of eating themselves to death. Looking to indulge to the utmost they include three prostitutes in the party and from then on its food then sex, sex and food, sex while eating food and finally just food and more food. You might never want to eat again once it ends.

    Cool Hand Luke (1967)-Non conformist Luke Jackson (Paul Newman) is behind bars on a Florida chain gang but his spirit isn’t imprisoned. While he is a thorn in the side of the guards he becomes a source of inspiration to the other inmates particularly after accepting a spur of the moment bet to eat 50 hard-boiled eggs in an hour. After he achieves the gluttonish goal he lays on a table splayed Christ like suffering but venerated.

    1. I wasn't a fan of Eat Pray Love either but that scene fitted so well with what I wanted to do this week so I went with it :)

  2. Ha! I like what you did here. Especially with Ron, the best Harry Potter character. This week was hard.

  3. You're not the only one who had trouble with this theme. I love what you did with it! 😆

    Here's my entry @ The Doglady's Den.

  4. This a good way to go with Gluttony this week. I thought of all of these since Eat, Pray, Love is fascinated with food in her first visit. That scene from Elf is gross and he actually ate that..yuck. I forgot about this scene in Harry Potter but it works for sure

  5. Ah, inspired picks. Not a fan of Eat Pray Love but then again, I don't like Ryan Murphy at all. Still, you can't go wrong with these picks. Especially Ron Weasley who loves to eat as he is a gluttonous boy in the books.

    1. Not a fan of Eat Pray Love either. It was so average. Still much better than that dreadful book. It took me ages to read it lol

  6. Oh man! Harry Potter has some of the best food scenes in any film! I really want to try out a butterbeer!

  7. Perfect! These are great ones, I can just imagine Emma Stone in Easy A going YUMMM at this all. :D

    1. Same! I just can't take that image of her off my mind haha
