Thursday 4 June 2020

Thursday Movie Picks: Deadly Sins Edition: Sloth

A weekly series hosted by Wandering Through the Shelves
Remember when back in March I said gluttony is the sin I'm the most guilty of? Well, never mind because this whole quarantine turned me into the greater sinner of sloth ever. Which kind of has an upside if you think about it because I could say I'm a sloth sinner as in a sloth who has committed a sin, the sin to be too adorable. Okay... I guess it's enough rambling for one day. I'll just leave you with my three picks about sloth.

The Big Lebowski (1997)

The Dude (Jeff Bridges) is so lazy that he goes to the supermarket wearing his bathrobe. He doesn't even care when the other Lebowski attacks him for his lifestyle. Just don't ruin his carpet though.

Shaun of the Dead (2004)

There's only one thing Ed (Nick Frost) is better at than being a slacker, killing zombies. And the only reason he is so good at it is that he is a slacker.

The Simpsons Movie (2007)

Homer is so much of a slacker that if it wasn't for his laziness the film wouldn't even exist as he dumps the silo full of pig's shit into the lake instead of disposing of it as Marge requested because I wanted to eat donuts instead. 


  1. We match on your first two picks! I wish I had thought of the Simpson's movie, Homer is such a great choice.

    1. I've been craving donuts for days. I just couldn't not think about him lol

  2. I expect Jeff Bridges and The Big Lebowski will be the title of the week. I thought of it but didn't care much for the film overall though Jeff nailed the character.

    I've heard of Shaun of the Dead but it's just not my kind of film and I've never been a Simpson fan. They are certainly durable.

    This one was a toughie for me but I went wwwwaaaayyyy back and found three about a legendary sloth of literature.

    Rip Van Winkle (1896)-A series of shorts pieced together that tell the Washington Irving tale of layabout Rip Van Winkle (Joseph Jefferson-a star of the stage before during and after the Civil War who spent his later career touring endlessly in this play) who ambles into the Catskills and wakes up 20 years later having slept through the American Revolution! The narrative is choppy but how many films survive from before the turn of the last century?

    The Legend of Rip Van Winkle (1905)-Another short-14 minutes. Probably the most innovative version of the Irving classic taking into account the age of the film and what it sets out to do. French film pioneer Georges Méliès (who also plays the lead) uses movable sets and color to set the scene though without title cards it's hard to follow if you're not familiar with the story.

    Rip Van Winkle (1914)-This version at 58 minutes follows the story after Rip (played by Thomas Jefferson-son of Joseph Jefferson) awakens from his slumber and reacquaints himself with the world that passed him by include getting to know his daughter Meenie (played by Jefferson’s wife Daisy Jefferson) as well.

    1. I rewatched The Big Lebowski last year and honestly I didn't like it as much as I did the first time around. However, the dude is still an awesome character.

  3. I know of all 3 but haven’t seen any yet. I did see part of the Big Lebowski but not the whole film yet. I want to see the other 2 and, even thoug( I have stopped watching The Simpsons I want to see the Simpson’s movie

    1. If you enjoyed the series you'll like the film too. It's silly but it's entertaining.

  4. We share a pick with The Big Lebowski. That's a great film. BTW, all of those clothes you see Jeff Bridges wear in the film as the Dude. They're actually the same clothes he wears when he's not working or at home. Ed is an awesome dude, I wish we had more guys like him who is always loyal. Homer is the ultimate sloth.

    1. I didn't know that! It's nice to know Bridges is a bit of a dude himself haha.

  5. good choices!! I can't believe I haven't seen Shaun of the Dead though. I have it on my Blind Spot list for the year but I have completely failed at that so far!

    1. The Blind Spot series is pretty much the only thing I still haven't failed at lol anyway, I hope you get to see it soon and that you'll enjoy it as much as I do every time I watch it.

  6. Ciao Sonia! Volevo dirti che ti ho appena premiata con il "Liebster Award 2020" :) l'ho fatto solo perchè volevo contribuire, nel mio piccolo, a far conoscere il tuo bel blog, che lo merita davvero. Non sei assolutamente obbligata a fare altro... comunque ecco qui i dettagli:

    Un abbraccio!

  7. Growing up I did watch The Simpsons, but still haven't seen the movie.

    1. You should check it out then. It's silly but if you liked the series you will enjoy the film as well.

  8. Great shouts. The dude has my favourite cocktail choice so he'll always be in there.
