Monday 30 November 2020

2020 Blind Spot Series: Point Break (1991)

It has been so long since I added Kathryn Bigelow's Point Break on my watchlist that I completely forgot what the film was about and went it knowing only one thing, that it was about surfing. So you can get my surprise and then disappointment when the film turned out to be a predictable action-crime thriller. 

Saturday 28 November 2020

Girl Week 2020: Powerful Monologues Delivered by Women

There is nothing I love in films like the delivery of a powerful monologue. You know, one of those moments when an actor completely takes over the scene and has you glued to the screen, listening carefully to every single word of the speech. 

Thursday 26 November 2020

Thursday Movie Picks: Television Edition: Foreign Language Series

a weekly series hosted by Wandering Through the Shelves

Happy Thanksgiving my American readers! By the way, how is this the last Thursday of the month?! It feels like November just started! I am kind of happy though because I can finally talk about some foreign TV series I love. And since Dell is hosting the Girl Week Blogathon this week and wasn't able to pick series about women, for each show I'm picking my favourite female character. So without further ado, here are some shows you should check out. 

Tuesday 24 November 2020

If Anything Happens I Love You (2020)

I was about to watch yet another Brooklyn Nine-Nine episode when Netflix played the trailer to If Anything Happens I Love You. I had never heard of it before so, before venturing into another dreadful film, I googled it. While the score was high — 8/10 on IMDb —, it was the storyline that convinced me I should have given this short animated feature a chance. And I'm glad I did because it's one of the saddest and heartbreaking and yet beautiful and touching shorts I've ever seen. 

Monday 23 November 2020

Girl Week 2020: Female Villains I Love

From a very young age, I've always been fascinated with villains as I always found them to be the most compelling characters and therefore I almost always rooted for them. There's a problem with villains though, everyone talks about male villains. After all, most movies are made by men for men, hence there's always a male hero and a male villain. Thankfully, some films and TV series revolve around women as well, so for my first entry in Dell's Girl Week 2020 Blogathon I'm able to talk about my favourite female villains, both from the big and the small screen. 

Thursday 19 November 2020

Thursday Movie Picks: Movies about Villains

a weekly series hosted by Wandering Through the Shelves

While at a very early age I always rooted for the hero, as I grew up I became increasingly fascinated by villains, and I've found myself rooting for the bad guy more and more often. It's not a coincidence that American Psycho is one of my favourite films. As you probably imagined, this week I'm going with some villain films I love. 

Friday 13 November 2020

The Life Ahead (2020)

There's a scene around the 30-minute mark where Sophia Loren is sitting in the rain, completely petrified, looking like she is there but she also isn't there. The kids are making faces and laughing to get a reaction from her, but she doesn't bat an eye. Her still facial expression, however, delivers tremendous grief and pain, and it's beyond heartbreaking. That's when I knew Edoardo Ponti's latest film, The Life Ahead (Italian: La vita davanti a se), would end up being one of my favourite of the year. 

Thursday 12 November 2020

Thursday Movie Picks: Favourite Cinematography

a weekly series hosted by Wandering Through the Shelves

Every film has a cinematography. But not every film has a great cinematography, one that isn't just pretty but that is capable of turning the words from the script into visuals, while building atmosphere, delivering emotions and making the audience feel as if they are experiencing the story first hand. This is the week's theme, or anyway these are the characteristics my favourite cinematographies have.

Thursday 5 November 2020

Thursday Movie Picks: Bookish Films

A weekly series hosted by Wandering Through the Shelves

I've been trying to write so much for the past few days — with very poor results, by the way —, I don't feel like writing anymore. I'm utterly uninspired. However, since we have a really, really nice theme I'm joining this Thursday Movie Picks week to talk about some book-related films I enjoyed. Which happens to be all romances because (apparently) I'm craving for a relationship lately. 

Sunday 1 November 2020

Monthly Recap: October 2020

I'm so glad October ended because, although it wasn't as distressful as September, it was mentally exhausting.