Thursday 13 May 2021

Thursday Movie Picks: Period Dramas

a weekly series hosted by Wandering Through the Shelves

I know I am going to repeat myself, again, but period dramas are not my cup of tea. I just find them tremendously boring, especially when they revolve around nothing but romance — yes, that's a sideswipe at Jane Austen. So, for this week's Thursday Movie Picks, for the first time (this year), I decided to pick period dramas that I haven't seen yet but that have been on my watchlist for a while now. 

The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society (2018)

I first heard of this on someone's TMP post, and it sounded so good I wanted to watch it. The problem? Every time I scroll through my watchlist on Netflix I stop at this but then move on and waste another 30 minutes to find something to watch. And often end up watching nothing. I swear that the next time I do that, I will watch it. 

The Illusionist (2006)

At some point in my teen years — easily 12-13 years ago —, I developed a crush on Edward Norton and set out to watch every single movie he was in. Then the crush kind of faded (?) and this film remained on my list ever since. 

The Other Boleyn Girl (2008)

This is easily the one that has been on my watchlist the longest as Natalie Portman was one of my first celebrity crushes. I don't know what it is about this movie though, but I just can't bring myself to watch it. 


  1. Oooh! I definitely need to watch the Illusionist and the Other Boleyn Girl! Great list!

  2. The Illusionist is so good. I remember when that came out and then the Prestige and I would get them confused lol. But I think Ed Norton is a great actor. The Other Boleyn Girl is basically about Anne Boleyn and her sister vying for the attention of King Henry. It's an okay movie but nothing super great about it.

    1. I watched The Prestige and I loved it which is why I really want to see The Illusionist as people often compare the two. That and my love for Norton of course.

  3. I unapologetically love The Other Boelyn Girl but I acknowledge that it's not a great movie. lol. I just dug it. I only saw the Illusionist once. I'm pretty sure I own it on DVD but I don't remember it. I preferred The Prestige. I haven't seen your first pick.

    1. I'm pretty sure I'm going to hate The Other Boleyn Girl but I'm going to watch it anyway sooner or later.

  4. Guernsey will both be helped and diminished by reading the source novel first. Helped because it fleshes out the characters (and is one of my favorite most compelling reads) and diminished because so much had to be left out. I liked the film but had hoped to love it and didn't.

    The Illusionist was wonderful. The period trappings help set the mood but the story could have been translated to any period and worked. Both Norton and Paul Giamatti are terrific, even Jessica Biel is okay though her role doesn't make huge demands on her.

    The Other Boleyn Girl is was the book. As if the story of Anne Boleyn's involvement with Henry VIII wasn't compelling enough the author and filmmakers felt the need to make up a bunch of stuff that isn't nearly as gripping. The actors do what they can but it's weak sauce.

    I love period films, so much so that I had to do a theme within the theme to narrow down my picks.

    Drums Along the Mohawk (1939)- Attempting to forge a life and livelihood out of the central New York wilderness as the nation is born Lana and Gil Martin (Claudette Colbert & Henry Fonda) are besieged by Tory, Indian and British forces but they persevere. A depiction of the dangerous rigors faced by settlers on the frontier during the Revolutionary War.

    The Scarlet Coat (1955)-Benedict Arnold (Robert Douglas), Commander of the Continental Army at West Point conspires with Redcoat Major John Andre (Michael Wilding) to surrender defense of the fort to the British for a large sum of cash as the Revolutionary War rages. Sensing trouble American Major John Boulton (Cornel Wilde) undertakes a counter-intelligence operation to stop the deal from going through.

    1776 (1972)-The events and personages involved in the lead up to and signing of The Declaration of Independence all set to music. Though there is some artistic license taken this adaptation of the Broadway hit, which is scheduled for a revival later this year, captures the essence of the story.

    1. I didn't even know it was based on a novel! Well, I guess I'll watch the film first and then read the novel because I absolutely hate when the film is not like the novel and I really want to like this one.

  5. I haven't seen your first pick but I have seen the other 2. The latter is an alright film as it does feature 2 of my all-time favorites in Scar-Jo 3:16 and PO'TMAN MOTHAFUCKA!!!!! The Illusionist is UNDERRATED!!!! I think it's a film people need to see more of.

  6. It’s funny but there are movies I know are supposed to be good, I love the stars in it and yet I have no desire to see it even though I feel I might really like it. That is for The Other Boleyn Girl which I will see one day. The Illusionist is actually a really good movie. I have not even heard of the first film

    1. I'm so glad to hear all these nice things about The Illusionist!

  7. Nice list! I'm a sucker for WWII movies centered on female writers, so I loved The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society. It's a bit predictable, but the cast and story is lovely. Haven't seen The Illusionist in a long time but I remember liking it. I watched The Other Boleyn Girl is okay to skip in my opinion. I watched it for my crush on Eric Bana, but it's just not a good movie in general.

    1. There's something about The Other Boleyn Girl that makes me think that way which is why it has been on my list for 10 years.

  8. I'm with you, as a rule I can't stand period dramas. I'm pretty sure I've seen The Illusionist but I'm always confusing it with The Prestige so I can't be 100% sure!

    1. I only saw like 5 minutes of The Illusionist while my mother was watching it but the film already started and I didn't care for Ed Norton at the time so I just left the room haha.

  9. Edward Norton is great in The Illusionist. I would suggest Invincible (2001), very similar to The Illusionist and it's with Tim Roth. Oh, and it's a Werner Herzog film lol. Haven't seen The Other Boleyn Girl, thank you for the recommendation. I would also suggest Perfume: The Story of a Murderer (2006), that's a great film too. Lastly, The Libertine (2006) and Atonement (2007) are also great period pieces.

    1. Perfume is the only of your suggestions I'm familiar with but I haven't seen it yet.

  10. Actually if you don't like period movies I don't recommend any of these, there are not the best out there.

    The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society - I found it a quaint charming tearjerker sorta movie but I think you might find it boring.

    The Illusionist - It's the less exciting and clever magician movie. Instead go for The Prestige.

    The Other Boleyn Girl - It is based on historical characters and events which you might find dry especially if you are not familiar with it. I actually find the historical characters and events fascinating and love watching depictions of it but The Other Boleyn Girl is not the best of it, I suspect people are drawn to the movie because of its hot young stars. There are other movies and TV shows that are about those events that do it better like A Man for All Seasons and Wolf Hall.

    1. That's why they'll probably stay on my watchlist forever. I've seen The Prestige already by the way and I loved it. It was so compelling and had such surprising twists.
