Thursday 30 September 2021

Thursday Movie Picks: Television Edition: Non-English Language

a weekly series hosted by Wandering Through the Shelves

It's the last week, and day, of September which means it's time for another TV-themed Thursday Movie Picks. This week we are sharing series in a language that is not English. I'm pretty sure I talked about two of these series last year for the same theme, but I love both so much I will never shut up about them.

Thursday 23 September 2021

Thursday Movie Picks: Femme Fatales

a weekly series hosted by Wandering Through the Shelves

Welcome to another Thursday Movie Picks post. As usual, I am yet again writing it last minute but this week I've also struggled to come up with three films that fit the theme of femme fatales as I've already used films whose characters would have been the perfect fit. That being said, I still managed to think of three characters/films.

Thursday 16 September 2021

Thursday Movie Picks: Outlaws

a weekly series hosted by Wandering Through the Shelves

This week with are talking about outlaws, and I seriously considered skipping it as my mind was absolutely blank (also, I'm very tired and I didn't feel like writing at all because, as usual, I couldn't write the post in advance). Then my stupid brain realised that most people in westerns are outlaws so, there you go, theme within a theme. 

Thursday 9 September 2021

Thursday Movie Picks: Actors or Actresses Playing Themselves

a weekly series hosted by Wandering Through the Shelves

I wanted to write a decent post for this week's Thursday Movie Picks. I really did. However, a dinner with co-workers, sleeping four hours the following night, and then procrastinating my way through my day off got in the way, and it's Thursday afternoon already and I have to take a nap because I work tonight so, yeah, I won't write much. Here are my top picks for actors playing themselves in movies. 

Thursday 2 September 2021

Thursday Movie Picks: Oscar Winners Edition: Best Original Song and Best Original Score

a weekly series hosted by Wandering Through the Shelves

New month, new Oscar-themed Thursday Movie Picks. This week we are talking about one of my favourite categories as I always remember a great song or score, even when the film they are featured in isn't particularly memorable. With that being said, today I'm only picking original song winners from movies I love(d), and that I still find myself singing every now and then. 

Wednesday 1 September 2021

Monthly Recap: August 2021

I'm having a really hard time believing how fast this year is passing by? Like, how the hell is it September already? How have I already wasted eight months of 2021?