Thursday 9 September 2021

Thursday Movie Picks: Actors or Actresses Playing Themselves

a weekly series hosted by Wandering Through the Shelves

I wanted to write a decent post for this week's Thursday Movie Picks. I really did. However, a dinner with co-workers, sleeping four hours the following night, and then procrastinating my way through my day off got in the way, and it's Thursday afternoon already and I have to take a nap because I work tonight so, yeah, I won't write much. Here are my top picks for actors playing themselves in movies. 

Keanu Reeves - Always Be My Maybe (2019)

Channing Tatum - This Is the End (2013)

Bill Murray - Zombieland (2009)


  1. Oh geez I'm 0 for 3 though I've at least heard of the last two. They didn't strike me as my kind of movie so I've never made an effort to see them though.

    I had a little bit of a struggle to come up with three though my first came to me right away.

    Airplane! -Kareem Abdul Jabar (1980)-Wacky spoof of disaster movies and in particular the 1957 Dana Andrews/Linda Darnell film Zero Hour! Kareem plays himself though for some reason he’s pretending to be co-pilot Roger Murdock leading to many puns.

    Wings of Desire-Peter Falk (1987)-Dreamy and cerebral fantasy from Wim Wenders about two angels, Damiel & Cassiel who float above Berlin offering rays of hope for the downtrodden without their knowledge. When Damiel falls for trapeze artist Marion and longs for a non-spectral existence he is given some unexpected advice from Peter Falk (as himself) who harbors a secret unknown to all.

    Zoolander-David Bowie (2001)-In this loony satire of the male modeling industry the legendary Bowie appears as the judge of a fashion runway “walk-off” between Ben Stiller’s Derek Zoolander and Owen Wilson’s rival male model Hansel McDonald.

  2. I almost went with This Is The End and Zombieland at different points when I was trying to figure this week out lol. Great picks

  3. We match with Zombieland! Yay! And I like those 2 cameos as well though it pains me to see Channing Tatum as Danny McBride's sex-slave. That's so wrong.

  4. I am living for all three of these choices! Just perfect. That Keanu Reeves one was my favourite, I think.

  5. I chose This is the End and Zombieland too! Weirdly enough, Channing Tatum was my least favorite part of TITE.

  6. We match with Zombieland which seems popular this week. I have not seen the other 2 but wouldn't mind seeing the one with Keanu Reeves and the second film I have wanted to see but that part is gross...hahahaa.

  7. We sort of match but I went with Cera not Tatum in the This is the End movie. I couldn't remember the first cause I just didn't love the movie as much and the last felt too obvious honestly and so many picked it. Which I can see why, the performance was amazing!

  8. A lot of people picked This Is the End with different actors though. Maybe I should watch it at some point after all haha

  9. This is the End is one I’ve been wanting to watch. I know it has a number of cameos.

  10. We match with Zombiland! :-D Bill Murray was just great in that one
