Thursday, 17 November 2016

Thursday Movie Picks: Movies Based On a TV Series

Welcome to Thursday Movie Picks, a weekly series hosted by Wandering Through the Shelves where each Thursday you have to pick three films to match the week's topic.

It's TV Series week, which is great because other than watching a lot of movies, I do watch a lot of series. What can I say? I enjoy other people's lives more than mine. Anyway, there are so many movies fitting this category, and at first I was going with three different movies. But then I realised I could do a theme within a theme, so here you are, stuck with me and my three Star Trek picks. Not three random picks though, the best ones. 

Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan (1982)

In the 23rd century, Jim Kirk is resigned to the fact that he is on his last mission, but then Khan Noonien comes back, an infamous conqueror from the 20th century, and Kirk and his crew must stop him. This should have been the first movie in my opinion because it's compelling, thrilling, it has great special effects and Ricardo Montalban is simply spectacular as Khan. 

Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home (1986)

To save Earth from an alien probe, Jim Kirk and his fugitive crew must travel back to the 20th century to retrieve a humpback whale, the only being who can communicate with it. I know it sounds ridiculous. Actually, ridiculous is the least I could say, but it's still an exciting and charming entry in the franchise, and definitely the funniest. Spock trying to understand human behavior is the best thing ever. 

Star Trek (2009)

As young Jim Kirk tries to live up to his father's legacy and Spock keeps him in check, a vengeful Romulan creates black holes to destroy the Federation, one planet at a time. Hands down to the best film of the new trilogy. It is exciting, thrilling, packed with action, it has a solid story, there's a good dose of humour, and the new cast is amazing.


  1. It's funny, I always hated Star Trek because my parents watched it when I was a kid, then the AOS films came out and I loved them. lol

    1. Well, those are great, it's impossible not to love them.

  2. I like all three of these but have a particular soft spot for The Voyage Home. I thought it was the one that brought all the elements of the original together best and I loved Catherine Hicks as the oceanographer Gillian. She was a good match for Kirk and a straight shooter.

    1. I also loved Catherine, but Spock was the highlight for me.

  3. A theme within a theme. I picked Star trek as well but just put them all into one. Love Kahn and Ricardo should have been Oscar nominated in my book. I also love the Whale story even though the ending was a bit hokey. The first film of the new sequels is the best. the last one was beyond dumb

    1. Oh my god, you're so right! Both about Ricardo and the last flick. Don't even get me started on that.

  4. how many memories with this movie :))
    nice post!!!

  5. I vaguely remember the Trek flick with a whale from my childhood, and I had no idea what was going on. That might make for an interesting re-watch.

    As much as I love movies, I really, really don't watch ANY TV series. Loved your answers though.

    1. You should definitely rewatch The Voyage Home, it's a lot of fun!

  6. Love that you went with all Star Trek flicks. Completely agree Wrath of Khan should've been the first film, mostly because the actual first film was shit.

    1. I still don't understand how it was possible to make a shitty film like Star Trek The Motion Picture.

  7. Bold - going all Star Trek. I've actually only seen the new ones. Although everyone says Wrath of Khan is a must see.

    1. It's true, Wrath of Khan is essential, and it's also the best film of the franchise.
