Thursday, 14 January 2021

Thursday Movie Picks: 2020 Releases

a weekly series hosted by Wandering Through the Shelves

I don't know whether it's related to the pandemic or not, but 2020 wasn't a good year for films. Sure, I haven't seen a lot of 2020 releases but most were overwhelmingly mediocre. Of course, there are some I loved, which are those I'm going to talk about today. But more specifically, I'm going to pick three films I had low expectations about but ended up liking. 

The Devil All the Time (2020) - Review

With a terrific cast, the film follows a series of bizarre and compelling characters from the end of WWII to the 1960s. It is a bit tedious but far more engaging than anticipated as the twisted and intriguing story kept me hooked from start to finish. 

Tenet (2020)

Christopher Nolan's latest film follows a protagonist (John David Washington) as he journey through a twilight world of international espionage, and it's a very complex and intriguing film, but not that difficult to understand if you pay attention. The effects are amazing, and so is the cast. I really don't get all the hate this film got. 

The Trial of the Chicago 7 (2020)

Aaron Sorkin's latest follows the trial of the organizers of the 1968 Democratic Convenction protest that started peacefully but eventually turned into a violent clash with the police. It is far from the director's best work but it still is a solid legal drama with great performances. 


  1. I once again come up empty on all three of these, though I've heard of all of them.

    Trial of the Chicago 7 is the one I'm most interested to see. I've heard good things and I have very vague memories of the actual trial happening which always adds something to a film.

    I'd like to see the others as well but not quite as keenly.

    I watched a lot of films last year but as it turns out only three from 2020. It made list making very easy.

    Miss Fisher and the Crypt of Tears-Fabulously wealthy and endlessly chic 20’s Aussie detective and adventuress Phryne Fisher (Essie Davis) globetrots to unravel an ancient curse involving priceless emeralds aided by stalwart and smitten Detective Inspector Jack Robinson (Nathan Page). Big screen continuation of the highly entertaining Phryne Fisher Mysteries TV series from Australia.

    Natalie Wood: What Remains Behind-Through interviews with family (including her two daughters) and friends the life and tragic mysterious death of megastar Natalie Wood is examined.

    The Invisible Man-Cecilia (Elizabeth Moss) attempts to escape from the virtual imprisonment of her marriage to an ultra-wealthy, brilliant and psychotic husband Adrian (Oliver Jackson-Cohen). While trying to rebuild her life she discovers he has devised a way to mask himself to the point of invisibility as he terrorizes her. Okay thriller sustains its suspense until an ending that betrays both of its main characters.

    1. Your only pick I've seen is The Invisible Man and I felt just the same way about it. It could and should have been so much better.

  2. Wasn't crazy about The Devil All The Time or Tenet outside of the casts. Robert Pattinson (and John David Washington for Tenet) is what got me to watch both. I definitely agree that Tenet was not hard to understand and the effects were cool. Nice picks!

    1. I'm sorry to hear that but at least you liked the acting.

  3. Great list! I also really enjoyed the Trial of the Chicago 7! Such an interesting film! I really need to watch Tenet!

    Check out my Thursday Movie Picks!

    Ronyell @ The Surreal Movies and TV Blog

    1. And hopefully you'll be one of those who loves Tenet!

  4. I haven't seen any of these yet, but they sound intriguing and all quite intense! I have to be in the right mood to watch films like these, which is why I didn't try to make it to the cinema to see Tenent. Well, that and the pandemic ;)

    1. I totally get you. I also have to be in the right mood to watch these kind of films. But it's like that for every genre with me haha. I really wanted to see Tenet at the cinema but mine closed permanently, and a hour-long drive at midnight to go back home did not compel me at all.

  5. I'm soooo curious to finally see The Devil All the Time but I wanted to read the book first. Hopefully, I'll get around to that soon.

    1. I still haven't read the book but I'm glad I watched the film first so that I could focus on it rather than on the differences between one and the other.

  6. I love all three of these movies, and definitely don't get all the hate for Tenet. Great picks.

  7. I really liked all 3 of these! Trial of the Chicago 7 is one of only three movies I gave a full 5/5 for in 2020.

  8. I have not heard of the first film but it sounds like something I would like. I heard about Tenet but have no real desire to see it. I want to see your last film for sure. As yo7 can tell....I have not seen any from last year.

    1. I really hope you get to see The Devil All the Devil and "enjoy" it as much as I did.

  9. I haven't seen any of them. Of the three, Tenet is the one I want to see.
