Thursday, 14 May 2020

Thursday Movie Picks: Girls Trip

A weekly series hosted by Wandering Through the Shelves
Blowing my nose like there's no tomorrow because of hay fever, with my lower back and left boob hurting like crazy (I'm not pregnant and I wasn't slapped in the boob by Olive Penderghast so why is this happening?!), and drinking a cup of vanilla cake flavoured black tea I can't even taste nor smell, there's nothing I'd like more than a girls trip... but since it's not happening, thank you COVID19, I'll have to settle for movies about girls trip, which is this week's Thursday Movie Picks theme. So without further wasting your time, I leave you with my picks.

Bridesmaids (2011)

Plot: Annie's (Kristen Wiig) life is a mess - she is broke and in a dysfunctional relationship -, but when she finds out that her lifetime best friend is engaged, she must serve as her friend's maid of honour which means expensive rituals and competition with a bridesmaid over who is the bride's best friend.

I really don't get why this film gets so much hate. It may not be Paul Feig's best, but it's hilarious and full of heart, and I really liked Kristen Wiig's character. And I so need to rewatch it.

Girls Trip (2017) - Review

Plot: A group of friends, Ryan (Regina Hall), a self-help guru who has it all, Sasha (Queen Latifah), a celebrity gossip writer, Lisa (Jada Pinkett Smith) a loving but overprotective mother, and Dina (Tiffany Hadish), a hot-head, reunite after 5 years and travel to New Orleans for the annual Essence Festival to rekindle their friendship and rediscover their wild sides.

It's pretty clichéd and predictable and far away from Malcolm D. Lee's best but it's still a fun and entertaining flick. 

Thelma & Louise (1991)

Plot: Two friends, Thelma (Geena Davis) and Louise (Susan Sarandon), one to take a break from her boring life as a housewife, the other to escape from her waitressing job and boyfriend, jump in the car and hit the road.

This is such a fantastic film. From the story to characters to the actresses, I love everything about it. It's probably my favourite Ridley Scott film. 


  1. Finally Thelma & Louise, I thought it would be all over the place but this is the first time I've run across it today. It's a strong film even if the ending is extreme. The two leads are terrific but I remember seeing it in the theatre and what a strong impression Brad Pitt made when he entered the film. It was one of those rare BAM! there's a Movie Star in the making moments.

    I detested Bridesmaids! I found it crass and vile, but I know that many love it. Just shows not every movie is for everybody.

    I haven't seen Girls Trip yet but I do like Queen Latifah.

    I purposely avoided T&L because I thought it would be ubiquitous but my second pick was surely inspired by it.

    Orchestra Wives (1942)-Small town girl Connie Ward (Ann Rutherford) is swept off her feet by Bill Abbott (George Montgomery), a trumpet player in Gene Morrison's swing band (actually Glenn Miller and his entire orchestra). She hits the road with the band but soon finds herself at odds with the cattiness and petty jealousies of the other band members' wives also accompanying their husbands on the cross-country train tour. Add in her jealousy at the harmless flirtation between Bill and Jaynie (Lynn Bari), the band's female vocalist and it’s only a matter of time before things blow between all concerned. A more serious storyline and a lot of glorious Glenn Miller music distinguish this from other 40’s musicals.

    Leaving Normal (1992)-Waitress Darly (Christine Lahti) unhappy with her lot decides to drive to Alaska to try and come to terms with her muddled past. In her travels she meets Marianne (Meg Tilly) who is running away from an abusive relationship. As they hit the road north they forge a bond over shared hardships and encounter some eccentric characters along the way.

    Bonneville (2006)-Newly widowed Arvilla Holden (Jessica Lange) has a problem. She wants to scatter her late husband Joe’s ashes as he requested but her bitter step-daughter Francine (Christine Baranski) demands they be placed in her family crypt in California. Arvilla, still reluctant decides to take them there herself and hits the road with her two best friends, Margene (Kathy Bates) and Carol (Joan Allen) from her home in Idaho. As they share memories along the way they visit various places Arvilla & Joe spent time during their marriage and begin to scatter some of Joe's ashes as he wanted.

    Hope you feel better soon!

    1. Thank you! Sadly I'm still not feeling great.

      I really need to rewatch Thelma & Louise but yeah, you're probably right about Pitt. I remember him making quite an impression in this.

      I haven't seen any of your picks, but I think I'll check out Bonneville because of its cast.

  2. I love Bridesmaids and find it so funny from that wedding dress scene to the raccoons eating the cake. I haven't seen your second film but I remember when it came out and I wanted to see it. Thelma and Louise...I don't know. It's well acted even though I wanted to slap Geena Davis's character upside the head. I just don't think careening off a cliff for girl power is a good way to go. I watched this in the theatre and was ok...just ok with the 2 gals becoming wild west women but that ending just made me think it was one of the stupidest endings I had ever seen.

    1. I don't think it's a stupid ending but it's definitely a little too extreme.

  3. I LOVE Bridesmaids. It never fails to make me laugh.

    1. I'm so glad to hear that! The film deserves more love than it gets.

  4. I've seen some of Girls' Trip but not all of it except for the scenes with Tiffany Hadish as I can't believe the Oscars snubbed her. I do like Bridesmaids though I don't think it's the great film many people say. I was never into Thelma and Louise and never understood why people liked it other than a shirtless Brad Pitt.

    1. I'm sorry to hear you're not a fan of Thelma and Louise. I loved the film. But I gotta admit shirtless Brad Pitt helped.

  5. Girls Trip was pretty cliche but it was so fucking hilarious. I still laugh about "grape fruiting"

    1. I just opened YouTube and rewatched that scene. It will never not be funny lol

  6. oh my God Bridesmaids is just delightful, that fitting scene is legendary lol

    1. I love how every time the camera goes back to Annie she is sweating so much more than before.

  7. I didn't even know a lot of people didn't like Bridesmaids...I thought it was generally liked.

    1. Unfortunately it's not. I couldn't believe it either when I started reading negative reviews.

  8. I don't like Bridemaids because it has that awful bodily fluid scene.. plus I just don't like physical humour that much and I remember there was a lot of that in it. But like, I didn't like Kickass either so like, I guess I like to hate on comedies. :D

    1. I'm not a big fan of physical comedy but I really like it in Bridesmaids. As for Kick-Ass, I'm yet to watch it.
