Saturday, 10 March 2018

Girls Trip (2017)

There's nothing worst than laughless comedies. I mean, sitting through a movie that is supposed to be funny and laughing not even once, who would enjoy that? Unfortunately, many if not most comedies made nowadays are like that which is why I try to stay away from them. With Malcolm D. Lee, well, it's a different story. Although I haven't seen his entire filmography, I did love his Best Man movies. They are fun, enjoyable and they have heart and such a good cast. That's why I decided to check out his latest film, Girls Trip. And you know what, more people need to see this one.

The film follows a group of friends, Ryan (Regina Hall), a self-help guru who has it all, Sasha (Queen Latifah), a celebrity gossip writer, Lisa (Jada Pinkett Smith) a loving but overprotective mother, and Dina (Tiffany Hadish), a hot-head as they reunite after 5 years and travel to New Orleans for the annual Essence Festival to rekindle their friendship and rediscover their wild sides.

In terms of plot, there nothing new in here. It's a predictable and clichéd story about friendship, love and adultery that we have already seen before like a million times. However, there's enough going on to make it interesting and engaging thanks to the gradually rising drama between the ladies and the pacing. Especially the pacing which is never too quick or too dragged and makes these girls' adventure very enjoyable and entertaining. The ending was a little disappointing though. The final resolution indeed feels quite rushed.

The humour is another important aspect of Girls Trip. Although there are a lot of nasty, raunchy and silly jokes, some repetitive and over-the-top gags and some scenes where beyond ridiculous (I'm talking about the pee scene), the humour work pretty well and the credits go to the cast.

Universal Pictures
The four leading ladies are just amazing and their chemistry is wonderful. Regina Hall who is given the most dramatic part manages to be emotional without overacting or being overdramatic. Queen Latifah brings her sass and it's very appreciated. Tiffany Haddish is hilarious but you either love or hate her since she is the one responsible for most of the sex jokes in the movie. Jade Pinkett Smith is the one who surprised me the most. I didn't know she could do comedy.

Bottom line, Girls Trip isn't the best comedy out there but it's funny, entertaining as well as quite empowering.


  1. I had a blast with this one. It's a great guilty pleasure because much of it is over the top and excessively raunchy, and though I think I know better than to laugh at those types of jokes I can't help myself.

    1. Crazy, right? It's not supposed to work and yet it works.

  2. I missed this in theaters but it's in my Netflix queue now. I definitely want to see it after all the great reviews.

  3. It's coming to HBO in a few weeks as I hope to see it as I heard good things about it and was shocked that Tiffany Haddish won the New York Film Critics prize for Best Supporting Actress which some feel is a much more prestigious award than the Oscar.

    1. I didn't know she won that award for her performance, but it's well deserved. She is so good in this!
