Friday, 30 March 2018

Galaxy Quest (1999)

I always snubbed Galaxy Quest as I believed it to be some dumb Star Trek parody and I didn't want to waste my time watching it. Recently though I learnt that Sam Rockwell is in this so, yeah, I had to check it out. I wasn't wrong about it being a Star Trek parody, but it's a brilliant one. 

Galaxy Quest is the name of a TV show very similar to Star Trek cancelled 18 years earlier. Now the stars of the show, Jason Nesmith (Tim Allen), Gwen DeMarco (Sigourney Weaver), Alexander Dane (Alan Rickman), Fred Kwan (Tony Shalhoub), and Tommy Webber (Daryl Mitchell), are making a living signing fans' autographs and being cast in awful store openings. But things are about to change when the Thermians, good-natured and intelligent aliens, arrive and, having mistaken the show to historical documents, take them into outer space to save them from the ruthless Sarris (Robin Sachs).

I kinda hate to say this, but this film's plot is way more interesting and engaging than half of the Star Trek movies. It does have some holes here and there and it's not always plausible --sci-fi movies aren't supposed to be though--, but it takes such funny and weird turns, it keeps you glued to the screen. 

The characters aren't anything new. They are just a bunch of stereotypes with no development whatsoever. Each of them has their own distinctive personality trait but that's it. I have to give the writers credit for making them so humane and so little heroic; this way it's easier to identify with them and care about them.

DreamWorks Pictures
What's truly outstanding about Galaxy Quest is the performances delivered by every single member of the cast, that's what makes the film so fun. Tim Allen is amazing as Nesmith, a Shatner-like character, Sigourney Weaver is so good at making fun of Ripley, her character in the Alien series, Alan Rickman is flawless as Alexander Dane, a Shakespearean actor stuck in a stupid role, Tony Shalhoub and Daryl Mitchell also are amazing. There's someone who steals the scene --and I'm sure I'm not the only one of this opinion--, it's Sam Rockwell. Okay, I love him so I could be biased here but he is beyond amazing in this. He is hilarious as Guy, a silly, fearful actor. And he is absolutely adorable. 

Then there's the humour, the element that surprised me the most. It is not the crude, vulgar and bathroom humour I was expecting. Instead, it is very funny, at times smart even, and makes the film very enjoyable. Also, the dialogue is brilliant and there are so many memorable lines.


  1. L'ho visto tanto tempo fa ma non mi aveva convinta fino in fondo. Forse perché non ho mai seguito Star Trek e parecchie gag hanno lasciato un po' il tempo che trovavano...

    1. In effetti se non hai visto Star Trek molte battute e gag non hanno molto effetto.

  2. Galaxy Quest is fun. I miss Alan Rickman so badly when I watch it now though. :(

    1. It sucks so much! I want to rewatch the Harry Potter series but that's going to be so painful.

  3. Mi manca ma da Trekkers potrebbe avere un suo perché :)

  4. I love this movie for everything you mentioned. I love it!! Alan Rickman is hilarious and never takes off his head piece. Sam Rockwell is so good and he knows what happens more than the main characters like those cute little creatures. Tony Shalhoubalmost stole the film for me with his dead pan delivery. It is so good.

  5. I love this film. It's so funny. Plus, you get to see the actors kind of make fun of the typical personas expected in sci-fi TV shows. It also has one of my favorite performances from the late, great Alan Rickman where he just can't stand to say his famous line until he really means it.

    1. This is one of my favourite performances from Rickman too.

  6. Ricordo solo i trailer dell'epoca, poi l'ho perduto nel tempo...

  7. Awesome review! Galaxy Quest is one of my favorites. I wish there were more smarter parody films out there like this one. It respects the fanbases but also has fun with the things everyone kind of noticed about sci-fi/Star Trek.

    1. Thank you! And yes, we really need more parodies like this one.
