Thursday, 29 March 2018

Thursday Movie Picks: Television Edition: Non-English Language TV Series

This being the last Thursday of the month --see you next year, March--, it's time for another TV-themed Thursday Movie Picks (the awesome weekly series hosted by Wandering Through the Shelves). I guess last year's was a success so we are doing another non-English language TV series week. As you probably know, I'm Italian aka I watch non-English series all the time. Unlike last year when I went with three German series, this year I'm taking advantage of it and doing theme within a theme. 

Don Matteo (2000- )

It follows Don Matteo, a Catholic priest living in the town of Gubbio, in central Italy, who is mostly known for investigating local crimes. If it wasn't for him, the carabinieri (they are kinda like police) would never catch the killers/criminals. I loved this. It was fun and entertaining. Then it all became too predictable (the plot of some episodes are copied straight from movies. Like there was this episode once it was basically a mediocre version of Memento) and boring  I stopped watching. 

Provaci ancora prof (2005- )

It follows Camilla Baudino, a high school teacher who often finds herself involved in crimes and investigates them with her friend/lover, police chief Gaetano Berardi while trying to take care of her cheating husband and her daughter. This one I still watch. It's not as good as it used to be but it's still fun to watch. 

Un passo dal cielo (2011- )

It follows Pietro, the head of the forestry police who investigates the crimes in the small town of Innichen/San Candido in South Tyrol. This one is okay, but it got better in the latest season when they changed the leading actors (I can't stand Terence Hill). The thing I like the most about this is the scenery, simply breathtaking. 


  1. The U.S is bad at airing TV shows in other languages. (At least it feels like that) I didn't have anything this week.

    1. I guess that's the con of having so many great shows of your own.

  2. Not heard of them, I guess they have not really gotten much international distribution.
