Thursday, 1 August 2019

Thursday Movie Picks: The Great Outdoors

A weekly series hosted by Wandering Through the Shelves

Although I love nature, I wouldn't exactly say I'man outdoorsy person as I've never been to camping and the only thought of sleeping outdoors where wild animals and all kind of insects and spiders live makes me shiver. Some people love the outdoors though, and some love making films about it, so we could have an outdoor themed Thursday Movie Picks. Just kidding. Seriously though, here are my picks for the week

127 Hours (2010)
Without telling anyone, Aaron (James Franco) travels to Blue John Canyon to spend the weekend doing his favourite thing to do: climb canyons. Unfortunately while descending a canyon he falls down, and his hand is wedged between the boulder and the canyon wall. Based on a true story, this is one of the most intense films I've seen. It is an emotional, terrifying and unforgettable experience, and, while facing death, Danny Boyle, with the help of James Franco who gives an Oscar-worthy performance, makes a statement about living. 

A rebellious kid (Julian Dennison) and his foster uncle (Sam Neill) go missing in the wild New Zealand bush, and, as everyone is worried for the boy, a national manhunt is ordered. This is the first of Taika Waititi's films I've seen and I loved it. It is so charming and funny, it explores several important issues, and the characters are brilliantly written. And of course, New Zealand's scenery is breathtaking, but that comes without saying. 

On an island off the coast of New England in the 1960s, a young boy (Jared Gilman) and girl (Kara Hayward) fall in love and run away together in the wild, and most of the town's people mobilize to search for them. A charming, quirky, sweet and funny film which easily is my favourite of Wes Anderson's. The story is so sweet, the characters are so colourful and, of course, the film is visually stunning. 


  1. I have only seen Moonrise Kingdom which I also love. The cinematography reminds me of Alex Colville paintings. I have been meaning to see 127 Hours since it came out and I have seen the real man on talk show-I am not sure I could have done what he did. I don't know Hunt for the Wilderpeople but it sounds good.

    1. I would have never found myself in that situation in the first place. But if I did, I would have died there. Cutting off my own arm? I wouldn't even cut off someone else's.

  2. I'm in about the same place as you with regards to the outdoors, I like it but roughing it is not my idea of a good time. Though I did camp out in the woods once....and that was enough thank you!

    While I've heard of 127 Hours and heard nothing but praise knowing the story I've just never felt a pull to see it.

    Your second is one that I liked well enough but once was enough.

    Everybody seems to love Moonrise Kingdom more than I did. I thought it was fine with a certain charm but to me it was trying to hard to be quirky. Good performances though.

    I went with a sort of survivalist theme this time out.

    A Walk in the Woods (2015)-Travel writer Bill Bryson (Robert Redford) decides to hike the Appalachian Trail and since he is no longer a young man at his wife’s (Emma Thompson) urging he is accompanied by his old friend Stephen Katz (Nick Nolte) who proves to be more of a hindrance than help. Based on Bryson’s best seller.

    Alive (1993)-After crashing in the Andes Mountains, the Uruguay's rugby team struggle for survival as their initial hopes of a quick rescue dwindle. As days turn to weeks and their supplies run out they are confronted with grim choices that must be made. Brutal yet compelling and based on an actual event.

    Jeremiah Johnson (1972)-After the Mexican-American War ends veteran soldier Jeremiah Johnson (Robert Redford), heads to the mountains to live in isolation. He meets seasoned mountain man (Will Geer) who takes him under his wing and over the years he carves out a life until he incurs the ire of the Crow Indians.

    1. I wasn't a fan of A Walk in the Woods but Alive wasn't bad. I actually liked it.

  3. I heard a dog dies in that Taika movie so I was like nope....also the dog gets shot in Moonrise Kingdom! So that Franco movie is the most cheerful of your picks :P

    1. I don't really care about dogs dying as long as it's not for real

  4. 3 amazing films. That's all I need to say.

  5. Moonrise Kingdom isn't my favourite Wes Anderson film, but I did enjoy it a lot, very charming.

    I've heard a lot of good things about Hunt for the Wilderpeople, so I definitely want to see it.

  6. I love all three of your picks. I wish I had chosen them as well. lol

  7. Nice picks! I remember seeing 127 hours in theatres and trying so hard not to get claustrophobic. It kept me on the edge of my seat. I've thought about watching it from time to time, but as good as it is, one viewing is almost enough. lol

    1. Same here... it's a miracle I didn't have nightmares after watching it.
