Thursday, 26 December 2019

Thursday Movie Picks: Television Edition: Rivalry

A weekly series hosted by Wandering Through the Shelves

As 2019 is packing its bags, I'm joining for the last time (this year) Wandering Through the Shelves's Thursday Movie Picks. And this being also the last Thursday of the month, it's a television themed week. It's tackling rivalries and since I had quite an emotional day yesterday I'm going with sitcoms. Hopefully it will cheer you up too if you have a not so good day :)

Homer Simpson vs Ned Flanders - The Simpsons

It's mostly one-sided as it starts because Homer can't stand Ned's goody-two-feet way of being, but occasionally Ned too loses his shit when he's had enough and those are the funniest bits of their rivalry for me.

Sheldon Cooper vs Wil Wheaton - The Big Bang Theory

This is probably the longest rivalry as Sheldon's resentment towards the Star Trek actor goes back to Sheldon's childhood. And it's kinda weird and unusual how Wheaton, a celebrity, goes along with it, but it's very funny.

Jim Halpert vs Dwight Schrute - The Office

I don't think there's a more iconic and funny rivalry that the one Jim and Dwight have. Although I like him, Dwight is so uptight and such an asshole that it's hard to sympathize with him whenever he's the target of Jim's amazing pranks.


  1. Oh God Will and Sheldon always made me laugh! And Jim and Dwight was actually beautifully portrayed relationship, the way they started as people who didn't like each other at all and became friends in the end

    1. Jim and Dwight's will always be one of the best TV friendship. I cried at the end.

  2. We match on The Office, but I always landed on Team Dwight just because I thought Jim was the worst. lol

    1. Jim is the worst haha but I don't know, it always felt like Dwight deserved it to me.

  3. Those are good choices on shows I'm familiar with but don't watch. I like John Krasinki and Steve Carrel but The Office was on the wrong night for me when it ran originally so I never was able to get into it. The others never appealed to me.

    Yours are all rivalries between men and mine ended up being between all women.

    The Golden Girls (1985-1992) Three widows and a divorcee-Dorothy (Beatrice Arthur), Rose (Betty White), Blanche (Rue McClanahan) and Dorothy’s mother Sophia (Estelle Getty)-share a home and a close friendship in Miami. Along with that friendship comes multiple times when the various women were pitted against each other in rivalries for men, bowling trophies or just the plain upper hand. Timeless comedy with four of the best comic actresses ever.

    Dynasty (1981-1989) Blake Carrington (John Forsythe) runs oil giant Denver-Carrington while his glamorous scheming ex-wife Alexis (Joan Collins) and present wife Krystle (Linda Evans) are locked in a constant rivalry which escalates through the years. In the era of conspicuous consumption this show reigned supreme and set the tone for over the top luxury (and shoulder pads!) with Collins leading the way.

    Revenge (2011-2015) Emily Thorne (Emily Van Camp) arrives in the Hamptons and immediately crosses swords with reigning doyenne Victoria Grayson (Madeleine Stowe) who feels she isn’t who she appears to be. Her intuition is right Emily is actually Amanda Clarke whose father Victoria and her husband had destroyed years before and now she’s back to extract revenge. Week after week the two go head to head in a rivalry that becomes increasingly deadly as Emily/Amanda seeks to ruin Victoria’s family and life.

  4. I love The Simpsons even though I have not watch it in years. I know of the other 2 but never watched them. I think I am one of the few who never watched The Office

    1. Don't worry, there's always time. I watched it like a year ago for the first time.

  5. The Simpsons is such a great pick! I don't think it was pure rivalry but like, it was the neighbourly rivalry that happens a lot :D

  6. The Office - the pranks are good.
