Thursday, 23 April 2020

Thursday Movie Picks: Verbal Altercations

A weekly series hosted by Wandering Through the Shelves
When it comes to fighting, I find words to be more effective than fists. Sure, a good old physical altercation can be fun and entertaining to watch and leave at least one of the people involved in more or less pain, but it doesn't even more close to the hurtfulness of words. For this week, I'm going with films whose verbal fights that hurt me.

Before Midnight (2013) - Review

La La Land (2016) - Review

Marriage Story (2019) - Review


  1. These all fit very well though I can't say I'm very fond of the two that I've seen.

    I think I've mentioned before the Sunrise/Sunset pix don't work for me in part because they star two of my least favorite contemporary performers and partly because the films never engaged me.

    I was mightily disappointed in La La Land. I was late seeing it and the hype made it seem like it was going to be this tremendous thing. I tried to adjust my expectations accordingly but I was still underwhelmed. I like both the lead performers but they can not sing and to me that's a fatal flaw in a musical! Emma Stone has given Oscar worthy work but this isn't it.

    Still have to see Marriage Story.

    With so many choices I decided the easiest way to zero in on a set of verbal altercations was to do a theme within the theme using one performer. I turned to a master of the verbal tongue lashing-Miss Bette Davis! She was Oscar nominated for all three of these pictures.

    The Little Foxes (1941)-At the turn of the 20th century in the deep South the Hubbard brothers and their sister Regina Giddins (Bette Davis) are rapacious jackals whose love of money overrides all things. The brothers steal bonds from Regina’s husband Horace, a good man who abhors their avarice, behind his back for a business deal he refused. When Horace and Regina discover her brothers plan to replace the value of what was taken and keep any profits for themselves Regina wants them arrested and all the profits. But the gravely ill Horace tells her he intends to let them do as they planned as a payback to her for all her meanness through the years of their marriage. It does not go well. They tear into each other, she telling him he resents her because he knows he’s dying and begrudges her having what she wants after he’s gone, he telling her he sees her and her family for the succubi they are. She turns to him and with deadly malice and says “I hope you die…I hope you die soon…I’ll be WAITing for you to die.”

    The Star (1952)-Margaret Elliott (Bette) was once a big Oscar winning movie star but now she’s fallen on hard times and is working as a sales clerk in a department store. Recognized by two customers who disparage her behind her back Margaret confronts them in an epic takedown “Take a good look ladies so there’s no doubt! It IS Margaret Elliott and it IS a disgrace! Margaret Elliott waiting on a couple of old bags like you.” One of them tells her they’ll call the manager. “Call the manager” Margaret says “Call the president….call the fire department! I won’t be here. I’m going back where I belong! I AM Margaret Elliott and I intend to STAY Margaret Elliott!”

    Whatever Happened to Baby Jane? (1962)-Jane Hudson (Bette) and her sister Blanche (Joan Crawford) were once great stars. Jane as a child in vaudeville and Blanche later in films by which point Jane had become a troublesome drunken has-been. It all comes crashing down when Blanche is crippled in a mysterious accident and now the sisters, estranged and bitter reside in Blanche’s fading mansion locked in a miserable existence. Almost their every conversation is a verbal conflict but as Jane’s grip on reality becomes ever more tenuous things escalate and when Blanche tells her she wouldn’t be able to do the awful things she does if Blanche wasn’t in a wheelchair Jane screams “But ya are Blanche! Ya are in that chair!”

    1. Yeah, you're mentioned you're dislike for the Before trilogy a couple of times. I think his is the first time you mention not liking Hawke and Delpy though. Anyways, at least you still haven't seen Marriage Story which means you can still like it.

      I haven't seen any of your picks but I like that you went with three films starring Davis.

  2. Adam Driver is so perfect in that scene in Marriage Story. I still haven't gotten around to seeing the Before trilogy but I like your other two picks!

    1. He is perfect in pretty much anything, but there he really peaks.

  3. I have not seen Before Midnight or that series but, with that clip, I want to see the series now. I did see La La Land and this clip just reconfirmed how much I dislike this boring. Marriage Story looks excellent and that clip alone blows away the acting of La La Land which is so meh.

    1. I'm (still) sorry you didn't like La La Land. I loved Marriage Story even more so I guess there's still room for you liking it. I hope so because it's a terrific film.

  4. Ah, 3 great picks. You can't go wrong with any of these films.

  5. I so agree...a punch thrown hurts almost everyone the same way. But specifically chosen words can only hurt the person it is directed towards. Anyway I almost pick Before Sunset too. La La Land I don't remember as much.

    1. I guess you didn't love La La Land as much as I did😅
