Thursday, 28 April 2016

Thursday Movie Picks: Affairs

It's Thursday Movie Picks time, a weekly series hosted by Wandering Through the Shelves where you share three movies to fit the theme of the week each Thursday.

This week's topic is affairs. I know, cheating is NOT a good thing to do, it's unrespectful, and a lot of other things. But, they happen to make movies about it, and some are very good, and when I say "very good" I mean the affairs. There's so much passion, you can't help but cheer for the lovers. Without further ado, here's my picks:

The Kids Are All Right (2010)

Nic and Jules are a lesbian couple who have each conceived by artificial insemination. Their kids want to find out who their biological father is, and when they find him, the five of them start spending time together, and the family's dynamic is affected by it as Jules has an affair with the father. I have to admit this one is kind of fucked up, there is nothing romantic about it, but the film is terrific, touching and features a talented, mostly female cast. 

The Bridges of Madison County (1995)

A photographer stops in a farm in the middle of nowhere to ask for directions. That's when he meets Francesca, and it's love. Unfortunately, she is married with children. This movie, man I love this movie. It has the right amount of romance, it has a devastating ending, it features wonderful cinematography and score, and Clint Eastwood and Meryl Streep have such a chemistry, their love seems so real. Who knew Clint had the sensitivity to handle such a role.

The Deep Blue Sea (2011)

The wife of an upper-class judge is trapped in a passionless marriage and life. But things are about to change when she meets Freddie, a troubled former Royal Air Force pilot. The affair between these two is so passionate you can't help but hope they get to be together. Yes, the film is a little depressing, and heartbreaking, but it's also deep and wonderful, and Rachel Weisz gives a hell of a performance here. 


  1. I loved The Kids Are All Right and The Deep Blue Sea was good too. For me, that was the first thing I'd seen Hiddleston in outside of Loki, it's nice to see the acting chops he has.

    1. I watched The Deep Blue Sea for Hiddleston because I needed to see more of him after Loki, and I felt in love with the movie.

  2. The Kids Are All Right is an outstanding film. Glad to see it pop up. Haven't seen the other two.

    1. My mother told me to watch "The Bridges of Madison County" because it was good, and I thought "great, another stupid, cheesy romance". Well, it actually was good.

  3. Interesting choices. I liked but didn't love The Kids Are Alright as much as I expected too but it's full of good performances. Same goes for Bridges of Madison Country and I agree about the cinematography, it's gorgeous.

    The Deep Blue Sea isn't an easy watch because of its oppressive atmosphere but Rachel Weisz's knockout performance makes it worthwhile, she really should have been nominated for an Oscar that year, and won. Have you ever seen the original version of this with Vivien Leigh in the lead? It's a bit stagy but a good take on the material. Vivien is of course excellent but Rachel Weisz's work is really bone deep and I think the richer performance.

    These three picks are all favorites of mine:

    Second Skin (2000)-Madrid housewife Elena (Ariadna Gil) suspects her husband Alberto (Jordi Molla) of having an affair, threatening their seemingly happy life with their son. Devastated when she discovers not only that her suspicions were correct but that the person he is involved with is a man, surgeon Diego (Javier Bardem) she confronts Alberto. At first he insists that it was a momentary lapse but eventually confesses that he is genuinely in love with Diego and torn between his two lives.

    They Won’t Believe Me (1947)-Larry Ballentine (Robert Young) is on trial for murder and as he takes the stand in his defense the film explores the story of how he’s found himself there. Indifferent to his wealthy wife Gretta (Rita Johnson) who loves him deeply Larry is a cad involved in a quadrangle with her, his mistress Janice (Jane Greer) and a secretary at his insurance office, Verna (Susan Hayward). A reprobate who is never satisfied with what he has he makes a series of selfish decisions that lead to tragedy. Even if he’s innocent of the crime accused is he indeed blameless. Nifty noir with a super, out of character performance from the usually good guy Young and a great ending.

    The Macomber Affair (1947)-Francis Macomber (Robert Preston) and his wife Margaret (Joan Bennett) arrive in Kenya for a safari and hire experienced hunter Robert Wilson (Gregory Peck) as their guide. Their marriage is a troubled one and Margaret becomes openly interested in Wilson with disastrous consequences. A three person chamber piece with both Peck and Preston doing good work but the standout is the under-appreciated Joan Bennett as a woman turned into a hard article by a bad marriage. Though subtle gestures and sly looks she gives the film a tough grounded center and has rarely looked so beautiful. A solid adventure film with noir elements and a Hemingway feel. The film is an adaptation of one of his short stories.

    1. I didn't know there was a version with Vivien Leigh. I have to check it out as soon as I can.

      Once again I haven't seen any of your picks, but The Macomber Affair is already on my watchlist, and I guess I'll add the other two as well now.

  4. The only one I have seen is Bridges and just couldn't get into it at all. I like Eastwood but found Streep boring as all hell. I believe the music was done by Eastwood though

    1. I think it's all about loving Meryl Streep. If you love her, you're going to love the movie as well.

  5. The Bridges of Madison County sounds interesting. Rachel Weisz was fantastic in The Deep Blue Sea, and The Kids are All Right was quite great as well.

    1. The Bridges of Madison County is great, and that means a lot coming from someone who's not that into romantic films.

  6. Great picks! I really hated Mark Ruffalo throughout The Kids Are Alright not sure if you're meant to. I didn't understand why Julianne Moore had an affair either, but its a great film.

    1. It's nice to see somebody else hated Ruffalo. I thought I was the only one.

  7. I saw the The Kids Are All Right recently. Like it. It has a little bit of comedy in it too.

    The Deep Blue Sea I've only seen about half. I kinda got a little bored, it was just moving so slowly. But I have heard a lot of good things about it so I might pick it up again

    1. You have to be in the right mood to watch The Deep Blue Sea.
