Thursday, 21 December 2017

Thursday Movie Picks: 2018 Movies You're Looking Forward To

Welcome to Thursday Movie Picks, the weekly series hosted by Wandering Through the Shelves. Each week we are asked to pick three to five films (on the last Thursday of the month we pick TV series this year) to fit the week's theme. The year is ending soon so this week we are asked to pick movies that will release in 2018 that we are excited about.

Without further ado...

Deadpool: The Second Coming
Back in 2016, 20th Century Fox gave us one of the best Marvel movies ever made, it was Deadpool. An entertaining, dirty, violent, romantic and hilarious af superhero movie. And Ryan Reynolds nailed the role, bringing the perfect mix of charisma and comedy. This second movie could be plotless for what I care, I'd still pay money to see it. Not sure about Deadpool 3 though now that Disney bought 20th Century Fox. 

First Man
This is a biography of Neil Armstrong and follows the mission that led him on the moon. I'm not a big fan of biography to be honest, especially the American hero kind, but Damien Chazelle (Whiplash and La La Land) made this movie so I'm definitely going to love it. Plus there's Jon Bernthal.

Ocean's 8
Remember the Ocean's Eleven? I sure do since I loved that movie and this is basically the female remake of that and it stars one of my favourite actresses, Sandra Bullock. How could I not be excited about it? 


  1. I didn't realize Damien Chazelle was doing that Armstrong movie. That definitely makes it more interesting to me.

    1. That's the only reason I'm interested in it to be honest.

  2. Dalle mie parti grandissima attesa per "First Man": una tripletta attore-regista-personaggio affascinante che crea grandissima aspettativa!
    Alla notizia di "Ocean's 8" devo ammettere di aver provato qualche brivido. Dopo Ghostbusters, questa idea del reboot al femminile a tutti i costi sembrava degenerare. Dopo il trailer mi sono ricreduta alla grande! Vedremo :D

    1. A me il remake di Ghostbusters mi era piaciuto però c'è da dire che non ho mai visto la serie originale.

  3. I couldn't care less about the first film but First Man is one I'll make sure to see and I also chose the rethink of Oceans 11.

    I'm not to up on what's coming but I think the one we share will be fun and though it's shown on the festival circuit my last is something I'm super excited to see when it goes out more widely.

    Oceans 8-Femimine reworking of the fun Brad Pitt/George Clooney heist flick Oceans 11 (though why they couldn’t find 3 more famous women to make up the original number is troubling) itself a reworking of the Rat Pack original. As long as it keeps that sense of humor this should be a jolly time at the movies with hopefully a smooth tie-in of Matt Damon’s character from the other film.

    Mary Poppins Returns-The magical nanny returns to help the children of the now grown children she cared for in the original classic. Apparently great care has been taken to protect the memory of the first with an amazing cast, including in some capacity Dick Van Dyke & Angela Lansbury (yeah). It will be tough to capture the special whimsy of the first but it will be interesting to see the attempt.

    Bombshell: The Hedy Lamarr Story-In festival showing this documentary about the legendary movie star beauty who was sharp as a whip and an avid inventor (responsible for much of the basis of what is modern day internet technology) but whom was not taken seriously because of that same ravishing exterior has been acclaimed. She considered her beauty a cage from which she couldn’t escape and when faced with narrow minded comments about the improbability that a woman who looked as she did could also have a strong mind she replied “If I am a ‘new Hedy’ as some say, it is because they are seeing me as I really am, not looking at the outside of me.” Scheduled for a theatrical release early in 2018 this sounds fascinating.

    1. I don't care much for Mary Poppins but Bombshell sounds interesting.

  4. Yes, First Man! And everything with Jon, really :P

  5. Wow, I had no idea they were doing a Neil Armstrong movie. To be honest, I'm surprised it took this long. I'm definitely looking forward to the other two.

    1. Maybe they didn't care much for him because the whole world already knows him. I dunno. Anyway, I think Chazelle is going to do him justice.

  6. All of these are on my list. First Man especially.

  7. Hello and Merry Christmas! I have been nuts trying to get ready for Christmas and hope to get back into the swing of things. First Man sounds good actually and looking forward to Oceans Eight. I also like Deadpool so this second one I will see.
