Thursday, 25 July 2019

Thursday Movie Picks: Television Edition: Crimes

A weekly series hosted by Wandering Through the Shelves

Whether they happened in real life or it's just fiction, crimes always make for a very compelling subject; when properly executed, of course. Today, for the last Thursday Movie Picks of July 2019, we are asked to pick 3 to 5 crime TV series. Without wasting any more of your time, here are my picks — I went with a season as opposed to the entire series as these are shows I significantly enjoyed one season over the other(s). 

American Crime Story — Season 1 aka The People v. O. J. Simpson (2016)
It explores the O.J. Simpson (Cuba Gooding Jr.) murder case, specifically following the legal teams battling to convict or acquit the football legend. It's absolutely brilliant, very compelling and the performances are great all around. 

Fargo — Season 1 (2014)
A hitman, Lorne Malvo (Billy Bob Thornton), ends up influencing a Minnesota insurance salesman, Lester Nygaard (Martin Freeman). This meeting sets forth a series of murders and Deputy Molly Solverson (Allison Tolman) attempts to solve the crimes. Simply outstanding. It has a great plot, great cast, humour, and Thornton's character is unforgettable. 

True Detective — Season 1 (2014)
Two Louisiana State Police Detectives, Rust Cohle (Matthew McConaughey) and Martin Hart (Woody Harrelson), are forced to revisit a homicide case they worked almost 20 years before. Despite not liking McConaughey and season 2 starring on of my favourite actors, Colin Farrell, this is the one I love the most. It is dark and tense, the plot is very interesting and the performances are great. 


  1. I feel so behind since I haven't seen any of these. Been meaning to watch that OJ series since it came out and still haven't gotten to it. Sad, I know.

    1. I hope you get to see it soon because it's great. Almost as good as the documentary.

  2. We match on True Detective. I love all three of your picks. Even though I was alive during OJ's case, I don't remember anything but the verdict, so seeing it played out like that felt really new to me.

    1. I first heard about the case with the series

  3. I still cannot believe you don't like McConaughey :D I watched all of those and loved them, especially Fargo

    1. What can I tell you, there's something about that man that I just find utterly annoying haha

  4. I watched the second season of American Crime Story about Andrew Cunanan and Versace but couldn't bring myself to delve back into the miscarriage of justice that was the O. J. Simpson murder case.

    I never felt any pull towards Fargo despite being a fan of the movie and I don't have HBO so True Detective is one I didn't have access too but I've heard good things about.

    Crime shows are probably as old as TV itself but I don't watch much series TV anymore so I selected three that I loved when I was a kid and still on occasion catch in reruns.

    Hawaii Five-O (1968-1980)-Captain of detectives Steve McGarrett (Jack Lord) is appointed by the Governor as head of a special squad of state police officers, young Danny “Dan-O” Williams (James MacArthur), veteran Chin Ho Kelly and streetwise Kono Kalakaua to battle a seemingly endless chain of international spies, petty thieves, murders and common criminals who descend on the Big Island for nefarious purposes. All introduced by the jazzy iconic theme song. Relaunched in a not bad reboot in 2010.

    Ironside (1967-1975)-San Francisco Police Department Chief of Detectives Robert Ironside (Raymond Burr), is forced to retire from the department after a sniper's bullet paralyzes him from the waist down leaving him wheelchair bound. Appointed a "special department consultant" with a team of four police investigators under his command and depending on brains and initiative they solved crimes for eight years under Ironside’s gruff but intelligent and caring leadership. Burr’s strong presence makes the series stand out which became even more obvious when a lackluster reboot limped along for a few episodes a couple of years ago.

    Streets of San Francisco (1972-1977)-Filmed on location in the city by the bay veteran police inspector Lt. Mike Stone (Karl Malden) is partnered with a young rookie plainclothes detective Assistant Inspector Steve Keller (a very young Michael Douglas) hunted down various criminals, often involved in murderous activities, for five seasons. Strengthened by the extremely strong rapport between Malden & Douglas, who left the series in its final year to produce One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest.

    1. I hated season 2 of American Crime Story because it was supposed to be about the assassination of Versace but it was actually about Cunanan. It did a good job portraying the killer but it was not what I was expecting.

  5. I never seen True Detective, even though I've been hearing lots of good things about it. I need to check it out!

    Here’s my Thursday Movie Picks!

    Ronyell @ The Surreal Movies and TV Blog

    1. You really do! I haven't seen season 3 yet myself but the first two were great.

  6. I am currently watching Fargo and I think it's absolutely brilliant! :-D

  7. I haven’t seen ny of these but would be interested in watching especially True Detective. I remember where I was when the verdict came down...travesty!!

    1. The OJ Simpson one is really interesting too. Actually, it's my favourite of the three.

  8. YES! I agree with the list, especially 1 and 3, both seasons were amazing, some of my favorite of all time, especially The People v. O. J. Simpson.
    Also, even though it's an obvious choice, I love Criminal Minds.

    1. Believe it or not, I haven't even seen an episode of Criminal Minds 😅 I've been meaning to watch it though

  9. I haven't seen any of these. It's a pass for me on your first pick, but the other two I do want to see.
