Tuesday, 31 December 2019

2020 Blind Spot Series

As you may know, I finally got a job this year and, while it did wonders for my mental health and bank account, it prevented me not only from reviewing a film every day as I've been doing for the past four years but from watching films in general. What I'm trying to say is that I sucked at being a movie blogger in 2019, reason why I decided to join the Blind Spot series in 2020, so that I'll have some sort of obligation to watch those classics, must-see, and cult movies that I've been meaning to watch since the dawn of times but that, for one reason or another, I keep putting off.

Without further ado, here's my blind spot list for 2020. 

JANUARY - Casino (1995)

FEBRUARY - The Artist (2011)

MARCH - The Terminator series*

APRL - Bonnie and Clyde (1967)

MAY - The Seventh Seal (1957)

JUNE - The Notebook (2004)

JULY - Boyz n the Hood (1991)

AUGUST - Mrs. Doubtfire (1993)

SEPTEMBER - Coming to America (1988)

OCTOBER - The Ring (2002)

NOVEMBER - Point Break (1991)

DECEMBER - Vertigo (1958)

*Should I watch the whole series, including the reboots or just the original trilogy (1984-2003)?


  1. Oh God do not watch the reboots.

    YES CASINO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. I've seen all of yours aside from Casino, Bonnie and Clyde and Point Break! There's a few I really like and one I hated (The Artist lol) Bonnie and Clyde is always one I think about putting on mine as well.

  3. These are some great picks!! Also agree with Sati, no Terminator reboots!

    1. Thanks! And okay, I will avoid the reboots :)

  4. Nice! I've seen every one of those and I'm anxious to hear what you think about The Artist and The Seventh Seal. The Artist is a beautiful homage to the silent era that was routinely (and unfairly) dismissed by some as 'Oscar bait'. And The Seventh Seal is probably Bergman's most well known movie. It's a really interesting movie.

    1. I'm really intimidated by The Seventh Seal to be honest.

  5. I've seen all of these films but in regards to The Terminator, I'd just stick with the first 2 films. The third film is OK but it's not that great and the re-boots I'm not going to bother with. Terminator: Salvation was terrible and if you ever see it, you'll understand why Christian Bale went Klaus Kinski on everyone.

    1. Thank you! I'll skip the third one then. And avoid Bale's like the plague haha

  6. I have not seen July, September or your November Picks but I have seenthe rest. My favourite is The Artist which I love!! I know some can’t stand the film and diss the awards for it but I think it deserved all of it. I really liked Casino and I love, love, love The Seventh Seal. Wait, The Seventh Seal is my favourite with The Srtist a close second. Just watch the original 3 of The terminator and then do the next batch. There seems to be quite the distance between the 3rd one and the next and , with all the progress in special effects etc...I think the first 3 should not be compared to the others.

    1. No pressure then haha I'm pretty sure I'm going to love The Artist though. The Seventh Seal, I'm a bit sceptical about that one.

  7. Great group of movies! Point Break, Boyz n the Hood, Casino, Bonnie and Clyde, Vertigo, Coming to America...all TREATS! I recommend only the first two Terminator movies, although the rest of them have their fun. Terminator 2 is an all-time masterpiece! Must watch.

    Good Luck!

  8. Nice mix of genres. I've seen all but Boyz in the Hood, it's one I've meant to for years but haven't gotten to yet.

    I don't love any of them unabashedly though I think Bonnie & Clyde, The Seventh Seal and Vertigo are superior films even if each one of their directors have made films I liked more.

    The others all have good things in them but I wouldn't call them classics. I'm with everyone else about the Terminator reboots. Stay away!

    1. I've seen most classics so I eventually went with widely loved movies.

  9. You haven't seen Mrs. Doubtfire!? Omg.. I love that movie!

    1. I haven't haha I did see some bits here and there though
