Monday, 12 February 2018

10 Years (2011)

I'm not a fan of movies assembling famous actors together in order to make money. Also, those usually are mediocre films. That's the reason why watching 10 Years never crossed my mind before. Then a little over a month ago, Margaret watched it and said Oscar Isaac plays the guitar and sings in this one. How on earth could I pass that? 

The film follows a group of friends on the night of their high school reunion. Jake (Channing Tatum) is in love with his girlfriend (Jenna Dewan-Tatum) and ready to propose but then he runs into Mary (Rosario Dawson), his high school girlfriend and it gets pretty awkward. Former bully Cully (Chris Pratt) is now a husband and a father but he's still a douche and embarrasses himself and his wife (Ari Graynor) all night long. Marty (Justin Long) and A.J. (Max Minghella) pick up where they left, trying to impress the hottest girl in class (Lynn Collins). And Reeves (Oscar Isaac) who used to be a geek is now a rock star and finally finds the guts to talk to his high school crush Elise (Kate Mara).

The plot is very simple, bland and predictable which makes 10 Years the opposite of an entertaining film and pretty much your typical/average reunion film. It's all very dull and uninteresting, and I just couldn't care less about what would happen next. Unless that involved Oscar Isaac singing, Oscar Isaac playing the guitar, Oscar Isaac talking, or Oscar Isaac even existing. 

The characters are just as dull and bland, most of them none of them has a proper introduction aka we don't know them which means it's impossible to care about them. Actually, that's not true, we know who they are, a bunch of stereotypes. In spite of that, some of the actors do a good job. Oscar Isaac (did you really think he wasn't one of them?) nails the role of the goofy rock star and he has a pretty good chemistry with Kate Mara (who wouldn't though? I mean, look at him!), and Jenna Dewan-Tatum genuinely looked annoyed by Rosario Dawson's character. 

Anchor Bay Films
Another problem with 10 Years is that it's supposed to be a romantic dramedy, but while there's some romance, there's very little drama and comedy. There's some drama but it's so clichéd, and the comedy falls flat most of the time. There are a few funny-ish moments, but nothing hilarious and all those supporting characters that are supposed to make the film funnier are just useless.

At least, each of the main characters gets about the same amount of screen time, the supporting ones have their chance to "shine". Also, there are some pretty good songs in here, especially the one performed and written by Oscar Isaac. Check it out if you don't believe me. 


  1. I like Kata Mara on House of Cards

  2. So right about Pratt, I couldn't help but think that while I was watching this

  3. I know Margaret just talked about this movie like a money ago but I forgot it existed...again. lol

    1. She talked about this/Oscar soo much I added on my watchlist almost immediately

    2. I talk and I talk and talk and only Sonia remembers! The outrage!

    3. In everyone else's defense, I do have an exceptional memory. I don't know how all that stuff fits in my head though.

  4. These ensemble type flicks with romance and all that crap usually fall flat..not all the time but often enough. I totally understand why Oscar Isaac is on your Hubba Hubba list as I like to call it. He can act and sing! I wish musicals would come back

    1. I'm not a musical fan but I'd definitely pay to see a musical with him lol
