Thursday, 29 July 2021

Thursday Movie Picks: Television Edition: Book Adaptations

a weekly series hosted by Wandering Through the Shelves

The Thursday Movie Picks series is once again television-themed as July too has come to an end and this week it features one of my favourite themes, book adaptations. It's quite embarrassing that I keep picking the same series every year though. But what can I do if I absolutely adore these and can't really say the same about other adaptations (either because I haven't read the source material or because I didn't like the series as much).

Thursday, 22 July 2021

Thursday Movie Picks: Summer Break

a weekly series hosted by Wandering Through the Shelves

I feel like I complain a lot lately but I could really use a summer break right now. Unfortunately, the only summer break I'm having this week is those people in the movies I, and all the other bloggers joining this series, picked. And since I am who I am, I'm going with three films starring three crushes of mine. 

Thursday, 15 July 2021

Thursday Movie Picks: Non-English Language Movies

a weekly series hosted by Wandering Through the Shelves

It's foreign-language movies week and I'm so excited for it because it's thanks to this theme over the years that I've learnt about some amazing foreign films, like the beautiful Wadjda. But, while I love it because it has made me discover many hidden gems, I'm going a different route with my picks today as I decided to pick three German films I watched in German without subtitles years ago when all my German vocabulary consisted of ja, auf wiedersehen and kartoffeln. These are three films starring my (decade old) crush Matthias Schweighöfer that I've been meaning to rewatch to understand the dialogue as the plot are very easy to understand even without knowing the language. 

Thursday, 8 July 2021

Thursday Movie Picks: Female Athletes

a weekly series hosted by Wandering Through the Shelves

I feel like I'm saying it a lot lately but I once again struggled to find three films that fit the week's theme for the Thursday Movie Picks series. I guess I just don't want a lot of films about sports. It's not like there are a lot of movies about female athletes anyway though. It's always about this male champion and that male champion. Anyway, here's what I came up with with the help of Google. 

Thursday, 1 July 2021

Monthly Recap: June 2021

Hello there! Can you believe that half of 2021 is already behind us? I sure can't. The good news is that the year is at least improving. 

Thursday, 1 July 2021

Thursday Movie Picks: Oscar Winners Edition: Best Cinematography and Best Visual Effects

a weekly series hosted by Wandering Through the Shelves

Hello July, and hello Oscar-themed Thursday Movie Picks! This week, as you can see from the title, we are choosing films that won Best Cinematography and Best Visual Effects. At first, I wanted to pick three for each category but, since I'm lazy and busy with work, I decided to pick three films that won both awards. So without further ado, here are my visually stunning picks.