Tuesday, 16 December 2014

Only God Forgives (2013)

Art house | Crime | Neo-noir | Thriller

Nicolas Winding Refn

Denmark | France | Sweden | United States

Ryan Gosling, Kristin Scott Thomas, Vithaya Pansringarm, Tom Burke, Rhatha Phongam, Gordon Brown, Byron Gibson, Sahajak Boonthanakit, Charlie Ruedpokanon, Joe Cummings, Oak Keerati, Kovit Wattanakul, Danai Thiendgham, Nophand Boonyai, Teerawat Mulvilai, Wittchutta Watjanarat

Julian (Ryan Gosling) is an American expatriate who runs, along with his brother, a muay thai club in Bangkok, Thailand, that is front for a drug smuggling operation.
After his brother Billy (Tom Burke) raped and killed an under-age prostitute, Lieutenant Chang (Vithaya Pansringarm) allows the girl's father, Choi Yan Lee (Kovit Wattanakul), to beat Billy, but he Chois goes too far and ends up killing him.
Julian's mother, Crystal (Kristin Scott Thomas) moves to Bangkok determined to do justice in her way.

Refn said, "I find it thrilling to do things that make people either love or hate you". I am one of those who love him. Only God Forgives is a brilliant artistic work, every single frame is needed, as in Drive. 
The scenography is spectacular, from the furniture through clothes and lights. Everything is added to perfection.
The music of Cliff Martinez is hypnotic and perfectly blends with the movements of the camera.
I'm glad Ryan Gosling starring in this film. He's great in Julian's role, and I believe this could be the start of a brilliant bromance - I can say it, right? - between Gosling and Refn.

Remember, girls, no matter what happens... keep your eyes closed. And you men... take a good look.


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