Monday, 6 March 2017

Rocky Balboa (2006)


Drama | Sport


Sylvester Stallone




Sylvester Stallone, Burt Young, Milo Ventimiglia, Geraldine Hughes, James Francis Kelly, Tony Burton, Antonio Tarver, Talia Shire


Thirty years after his first match, Rocky Balboa (Sylvester Stallone) comes out of retirement to fight the reigning heavyweight champion Mason "The Line" Dixon (Tony Burton). 


I've just checked out the rating on IMDb and I'm kind of starting to think I'm alone on this island, but I didn't found "Rocky Balboa" much better than its predecessors. I actually found it rather pathetic and overly sentimental.

I don't know how others were able to enjoy it, but there was something about the plot that just didn't do for me. Maybe it was the fact that it is absolutely ridiculous and boring. I mean, is there anything more ridiculous than a 60-year-old retired boxer fighting a 20-year-old boxer? I know the answer, yes, there is. It's the old guy actually winning the fight. I get the filmmakers wanted to give the series and Rocky a happy handing but that's not how you do it. 

Another problem with the film is the relationship between Rocky and his son Robert. They were doing kind of okay when "Rocky V" ended; now Robert won't even stay in the same room with the father only because he doesn't want to live in his father's shadow, which by the way should have been explored better. What was I even expecting, it's the Rocky series after all. Not to mention Rocky's utterly pointless love interest and her son.

Let's just move onto the next problem, the pace and focus of the film. The first is so slow it's a challenge not to fall asleep; the latter, I'm still not sure if the film is supposed to be about the fight or just about an old man who is acting like he's the first man to lose his wife.

And now the fight. Other than having a very unlikely yet totally predictable ending, the match and boxing sequences are barely watchable.


  1. diciamo che i primi della serie erano più credibili come trama e storia

    1. Eh purtroppo sono andati sempre peggiorando

  2. I never could get into these films. I finally saw a little bit of his first film but I made it a point not to see it. It could be that, when I was very little, my dad had the fights on and I remember seeing this man being hit repeatedly while slumped over in the ropes. My dad wondered why the ref didn't stop the boxer. It turned out he later died.

    1. That's awful. That's why I don't like boxing.

  3. I'm not quite as hard as you on this film, but I'm not really a fan for much the same reason. I don't mind the idea of Rocky going through all the steps he did to try and earn the chance to fight. I just hate that the fight actually happened. It's as if everyone else in the universe had a brain fart and forgot we're dealing with a 60 year old man. And then to have that fight not be over rather quickly, or at least be heavily one-sided in favor of the younger fighter is just ridiculous.

    1. Like the brain fart thing, I'm going to steal it and use it in the future.

  4. Ouch. Maybe I went in to this high on nostalgia, but I recall liking this one a Hell of a lot more than you did. To be honest, I always give Stallone a pass, as I think he's a frickin' titan of my movie going lifetime. Seeing ol' Rock out there slugging away was inspiring, even if it's entirely ludicrous at the same time.

    1. My brother would agree with you. I guess you both love Rock too much

  5. Per fortuna poi è uscito "Creed"...

    1. L'ho visto oggi e sono d'accordo con te, per fortuna Creed.
